The beloved Turkish drama Ertugrul Ghazi has captivated viewers all over the world, with its gripping story and deep themes. At its core, Ertugrul Ghazi is about courage, justice, and faith—and it doesn’t shy away from expressing these values through memorable lines and quotes. If you’re an Ertugrul fan who speaks English as a first language, you may want to know some of the best lines in English from your favorite show. In this blog article, we’ll explore some of the most powerful moments from Ertugrul Ghazi translated into English for maximum impact. Let’s dive in!
Ertugrul Ghazi’s Best Lines in English:
Ertugrul Ghazi, who was the father of Osman I, was a great warrior and leader. He was also a very wise man, and his words are still relevant today. Here are some of his best lines in English:
Ertugrul; Once the lion got into the trap, even the jackals would grind their teeth.
Turgut Alp; Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
Ibn Arabi; You have to be the man who passed the test and knocked himself down, son. Then you are the greatest wrestler and you are the greatest hero.
Crazy Iron; There is only one problem that scares the brave the most… That is love…
Hayme Ana; Oba stands when there is unity and solidarity! If the unity is broken, you are doomed to be defeated and destroyed in the face of the enemy!
Gundogdu; Bow and arrow is good. You don’t have to go under the man like a dagger, like a sword!
Crazy Iron; I said that Aleppo will be our grave (Kurdoğlu) Don’t worry, Kurdoğlu, someone from our generation will not come and put our grave here.
Ibn Arabi; God brings out a valiant. It unites the whole world under His banner. His sons also conquer Constantinople. He also takes Jerusalem. It also serves Mecca and Medina.
Selcan Hatun; Eyebrows are like bows and eyelashes are like arrows. You will look at it so much that you will hit your man in the heart.
Ertugrul; If the sky is to fill the cries of the oppressed, if our sacred customs, language, religion and land will be trampled by the oppressors, if it is our winter quarters, what if there is no writer…
Aleppo; If you are in love, come back with your soul, if you are a sinner, look and come back from the door.
Ertugrul; Shall we bow down for a world that we cannot control even a breath of, or say goodbye to the oppressor?
Ustad-i Azam; Remember!.. At the end of the game, both the king and pawns go into the same box. Only the one who removes them from the table knows who the winner is…
Ibn Arabi; They say; “One cannot find direction by looking at the stars when the sun is out.” Stop messing with the stars. If you want to see the sun is in my hand…
Hayme Ana; Either the state or the raven carcass…
Suleiman Shah; Let the valiant trouble come while he is valiant. It’s an honor.
Ibn Arabi; It is tawakkul to seek the means that will save your brother from trouble without forgetting the existence of Allah. The test of the valiant will be tough and it is not befitting to stand in the valiant.
Gundogdu; The snake doesn’t use doors!

Ertugral Ghazi Quotes in English:
Ertugrul; The land won by betrayal becomes not a home for the Kayıs, but a hell.
Afsin Bey; If someone unnecessarily does me a favor, I’m in trouble for no reason!
Crazy Iron; Do not plant seeds of hatred in your heart, my daughter. Despite all the evil in the world, sow the seeds of hope, my daughter, so that the victory is directly on the side of good and always believe in the justice of Allah. Of course, those demons will also have a day of reckoning.
Hayme Ana; Instead of rebelling and saying bad words, mention the name of Allah and pray! Fill your heart with goodness so that our share will be good.
Ibn Arabi; Don’t forget!.. The owner of the secrets does not give new secrets to those who cannot keep the secret in their hands…
Aykutluk; The one who was friends with the camel driver had his door built according to him.
Ertugrul; When Cenk dies, he is not lost, brother. The battle is lost when we become like our enemies.
Ertugrul; Hz. Like Ibrahim, I will hit the road and establish a state with those poor people you call.
Ertugrul; We will not be the shadow of anyone by worrying about sustenance. For the sake of truth, we will not follow a path other than the truth…
Ertugrul; In order to find the truth, if necessary, I will disturb the peace of the whole world.
Bamsı: Our prayers reach places that our pusats cannot reach.
Ertugrul; If necessary, Mr. We emigrate and hit the roads with a handful of people who believe in us like our Prophet.
Turgut; If you’re dreaming of scaring me with death, then death is a reunion for me.
Bamsi; Sir, we live to burn for the truth and to surrender like Ismail.
Aykız: My faith is pusat, my patience is my shield, my hero..
Ertuğrul: They do all kinds of degeneracy, but when they realize that they can’t get rid of it, they ask for mercy…
Süleyman Shah: You gave me a blessed conquest at this age. May Allah bless you all in both worlds.
Ertuğrul: If I can’t come, know that Azrael took my life…
Halime: Then know that I’ll be dead too…
Ertuğrul: If he’s still alive, I’ll go and fetch him. If he’s dead, I’ll hold him accountable. I do not shed tears for the martyr alone.
Halima; When you know that you cannot meet your worldly love… One burns with the desire to reach divine love.
Ibn ‘Arabi: Allah looks at the outward appearance of his servant and sees the interior. There are many non-believer Muslims inside and Muslims inside non-believers…
Atabey; Don’t call me a traitor. Whatever I did, I did it for the welfare of the Ummah. The Qur’an is my guide, Allah is my witness. My head is high, my case is right. If there is to die for this cause, either with sleep or with an ax!
Ertuğrul’s marriage proposal; Halima, you know. You have a thousand problems, but the cure is in your strength, in your strength. But there is one who is troubled; It is the most beautiful and it breaks my heart. The cure for him is only in you. That beautiful-eyed gazelle picked me up, brought you along, and threw you into love. Just when I was inclined to take his life, he burned my heart with the fire of love. Be the sultan of my heart, the mother of my children, the friend of my life.

Famous Quotes Of Dirilis Ertugrul :
We Turks like to be hope for the oppressed.
Wolves love misty weather. Come on, my valiants, the time is ours, the victory belongs to Allah!
Our duty is to put our trust in Allah.
How long have you been forgetting the name of the creator, Rezzak, huh?
Do not say that those who are killed in the way of Allah are dead, on the contrary, they are alive. But you cannot see it.
Then we Turks will rush to martyrdom with all our might.
The cruelty of the enemy will never end.
Every betrayal pays a price.
I swear to the flag, to the pusata. The campaign is ours, the victory is Allah’s.
Justice forever, Freedom forever.
If pain were not the greatest blessing, would God give the heaviest ones to his most beloved Prophets and friends?
I ask you, brothers, can those who don’t love people love their God?
Allah sent us the Qur’an. I would be ungrateful if I didn’t read it.
We are not afraid of dying in the well in Yusuf’s way, Alhamdulillah!
Loving is God’s gift to the son of Adam.
Even if betrayal shakes us all, the truth will prevail.
Any victory we do not pay for is not ours. Happy are those who pay the price…
Allah tests His servants with difficulties. But with every hardship, there is an ease.
Long live hell for traitors!
He protects a person from death by death. Don’t fall for yegis, valiant ones.
The look of the valiant is sharper than the sword of the coward.
Do not forget, my brothers, Allah is the greatest of spoilers.
May you have your anger; otherwise the devil will not come down.
If we want to live on this land, we must pay the price. These lands will not be good for us without spilling our blood.
If everyone was like you, you’d be just like everyone else.
How the hearth smokes with fire, breathes with flame; Alps also come to obedience to the order.
If you’re afraid of my martyrdom, you won’t see me again, don’t look at me for Er!
I swear by the panting horses!
We don’t know our friend, our enemy, the roads are always deciduous!
I have a life, it is entrusted to God..
I have a thousand problems, but the cure is in my strength and my strength is in my faith.
The last word was not spoken before a Turk took his last breath!
We will gladly die, but we will not give an inch of land!
Shall we say ‘goodbye’ to the oppressor? Wouldn’t the tradition then be silent? Doesn’t our stove go out then?
I say let’s challenge the whole world in this mortal world. Let’s fight with those oppressors until our last moment.
May God grant us to be among those who add life to our loved ones, not those who take their lives.
Every power knows that to dominate Anatolia is to dominate the whole world.
Their Abraham does not light any fire. No well can swallow Yusufs. Pharaohs cannot rule Moses!
My wounds are my medal of honor, sir. They made me a veteran in the sight of Allah, and made my forehead white in front of you and your sons.
Let our enemy not end… Let it not end so that our wrath will increase.
We Muslims show mercy to the infidel we are fighting for the last time. We show you that maybe he will find the right way.
We intend to go to war to say stop the oppression, to show our power to the oppressor.
If Anatolia rises, the whole Islamic world will rise.
Be in the way of Allah, son. Be in the way of Allah so that He will be with you.
You will eat the slap of Allah in such a way that you will pay for your sins.
He who cannot protect a secret cannot protect anyone.
Even death is more honorable than treason.
You should know that if you kill, it is martyrdom. If you exile, it is migration. If you are imprisoned, it is seclusion. We say Alhamdulillah and pass.
This world has seen many pharaohs. Nimrod saw it. Abu ignorant saw. However, Ibrahim’s cause prevailed over all of them.
Now we will either resurrect or perish like our ancestors. That’s why we need to be resurrected, sons.
To love is not to know, aunt. To love is to feel.
If we have a sapling, our duty is to plant it. It is God who expands and narrows time.
The share of the one who lacks hope is also sadness. We also have to love our sadness.
What the Prophet (saas) said, blasphemy continues, and it does not persecute. There will be a brave man who will stop them, insha’Allah.
A heart that is attached to its Lord with faith knows that no matter what danger it faces, safety will come from the truth.
I will save myself and my tribe if I say the words that are full of lies, but may God protect me from such weakness.
Until you open it, emmi. Until you can’t find a hole to escape… You are in good hands until your shadow shines your sin…
It is obligatory for us to take refuge in the Creator and start every day like a spring branch, it is a form of worship for us.
There are two reasons for a man’s failure… one is his unbridled ambition and the other is love.
If the devil sees you, he says, what good am I for?
Our word is God. Hz. God, who made Abraham’s fire a lake, will one day show mercy to your fire as well.
I have never raised my hand to a woman in my life. May God not make me feel that shame… But know this, I will pray for you to burn in hell every time I think of it.

Time is the cure for everything. It shows the mistakes and the merits…
Slander tightens the flesh of the valiant. It also strengthens your faith.
It is not known whether betrayal or salvation comes from a friend or an enemy!
The banner must be handed over to its owner. HE; the owner does not hold back from the battle. He does not lose hope in the Creator.
They say fate is in love with effort, the trouble you go through will turn into mercy.
Hearts are only satisfied with the dhikr of Allah. Run away from the lies they give you, take shelter in the truth.
Justice is lame and walks slowly, but sooner or later it reaches its destination.
The main thing is not to be on the right path, but to stay on the right path even for a moment!
The property is a madrasa. Everyone is a student, and the greatest professor is Allah.
God does not destroy a place unless its people are cruel.
Marble does not become perfect until it is chipped and people are mistaken. The world is a test…
When you are desperate, remember that the Lord is al-Qadr. As you starve, repeat to yourself that He is Er-Rezzak…
Don’t forget!. The owner of secrets will not give new secrets to those who do not keep the secret in their hands..
Every bird flies with its own kind. Eagles with eagles, crows with crows.
If they have a plan, a trap, Allah has a plan.
No betrayal stays with the traitor!
The greatest victory is to recognize the self. The enemy is man himself. The fellow has itself recognized the soul.
Do you think the epics of our ancestors are fairy tales? They are not to put the baby to sleep, but to wake the man.
Are we going to bow down for this world that we can’t control even a breath of?
Our case is not a dry civility case. On the contrary, our cause is the cause of Islam.
It is the graves that make the land a home!
The oppressed need mercy, the oppressor need wrath…
Ertugral Ghazi Golden Words in English
When people speak of Ertugrul Ghazi, they usually mean one of two things. The first is the brave and heroic 13th-century warrior who fought against overwhelming odds to save his people from extinction. The second is the highly popular Turkish television series that bears his name and tells his story.
Both the man and the TV show are revered in Turkey, but for different reasons. For Turks, Ertugrul Ghazi is a symbol of national pride, a reminder of a time when their ancestors were able to stand up to outside forces and preserve their culture and way of life. The TV show, on the other hand, is seen as entertainment, a well-made historical drama that just happens to be about a real person.
foreigners, however, the meaning of Ertugrul Ghazi is often different. For many Westerners, he is an example of what a Muslim hero should be: brave, selfless, and committed to his faith. For others, he represents something more controversial: a Muslim warrior who was willing to fight and die for his beliefs.
Whatever people’s opinions may be, there is no denying that Ertugrul Ghazi is a complex and fascinating figure. He has inspired both love and hate, but his legacy will continue to be debated for years to come.
We have discussed some of Ertugrul Ghazi’s best lines that are powerful, inspiring and motivating. We hope that these quotes will help you to find courage in the face of adversity, stay true to your beliefs and never give up on your dreams. These words have served as a source of motivation for many people around the world and it is our aim to continue spreading their wisdom so more can experience its power.
The words of the characters in Diriliş, which meet with the audience on TRT 1 every Wednesday and achieved great success with its viewership, also attract great attention on social media.