Hi, Our todays article is about Filinta Mustafa Season 1 and 2 All Episodes With Urdu Subtitles By UrduBolo team. In this article we will share all information, cast details and all seasons information with details. If you like this article then please share it with your family and friends. Thanks
السلام علیکم, آج کا ہمارا آرٹیکل فلنٹا مصطفی ڈرامہ سیریل کے متعلق ہے، اس پوسٹ میں آپ کو فلنٹا مصطفی ڈرامہ سیریل کی سیزن 1 اور سیزن 2 کی تمام اقساط اُردو سب ٹائٹل کے ساتھ کے لنک ملیں گے۔
فلنٹا ترک ٹیلی ویژن کی تاریخ میں پہلی عثمانی جاسوسی کہانی ہے۔ یہ ڈرامہ 1850 اور 1900 کے درمیان کے وقت کی عکاسی کرتا نظر آتا ہے۔ فلنٹا مصطفیٰ (اونور ٹونا) عثمانی دور میں 19ویں صدی کے استنبول میں ایک نوجوان اور کامیاب پولیس افسر ہے۔ وہ اور اس کے ساتھی سلطنت عثمانیہ کی گلیوں میں امن برقرار رکھنے کے لیے سخت محنت کر رہے ہیں۔ وہ بندوق کی اسمگلنگ کے ایک مشہور رہنما (سمگلر) کو پکڑنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں اور قدم بہ قدم اس رہنما کی شناخت ظاہر کرنے کے لیے ذہین میں منصوبے ترتیب دے رہے ہیں۔ تاہم، ایک دن، مصطفیٰ اور اس کے قریبی دوست علی (Cem Ucan) اپنے آپ کو ایک دولت مند تاجر بورس (Serhat Tutumluer) کی طرف سے منصوبہ بندی کے تحت ایک بڑے حملے میں پھنسے پاتے ہیں۔ بورس، درحقیقت، وہ مافیا لیڈر اور ماسٹر مائنڈ ہے جو بندوق کی اسمگلنگ کی ان تمام سرگرمیوں میں ملوث ہے۔ لیکن، کوئی بھی اصل میں اس کی غیر قانونی سرگرمیوں سے واقف نہیں ہے کیونکہ بورس صرف اپنے مخصوص وفادار آدمیوں کے ساتھ کام کرتا ہے اور ان کے علاوہ دوسرا جو جو اس کی شناخت کو جان لیتا ہے وہ ان سب کو مار دیتا ہے۔ اس حملے میں مصطفیٰ کا قریبی دوست علی مارا جاتا ہے۔ مصطفیٰ اپنے دوست کی جان کو نہیں بچا پاتا، جس پر وہ بہت افسردگی اور پشیمانی محسوس کرتا ہے، وہ خود کو ایک مایوس کن صورتحال میں ڈوبا پاتا ہے۔ مصطفیٰ پر یہ گھات لگانے، اپنے دوست علی کو قتل کرنے اور غیر قانونی سرگرمیوں میں ملوث ہونے اور رشوت قبول کرنے کا الزام لگ جاتا ہے۔
ایک کرشماتی اور کامیاب خودی (ایک اعلیٰ سطحی جج) غیاث الدین حاتمی (مہمت اوزگور) کو مصطفیٰ کے کیس کو آگے بڑھانے کے لیے تفویض کیا گیا ہے۔ خدی غیاث الدین حاتمی مصطفیٰ کے استاد ہیں اور وہ اس کی بے گناہی جانتے ہیں، لیکن عدالت میں انہیں ثبوت کے ساتھ مصطفیٰ کی بے گناہی ثابت کرنی ہوگی۔ لیکن عدالت میں بہت سے جھوٹے گواہ مصطفی کے خلاف گواہی دیتے ہیں اور ان پر رشوت لینے، غریبوں پر ظلم کرنے وغیرہ کا الزام لگاتے ہیں۔ ان تمام الزامات کے جواب میں مصطفیٰ اپنے ایک ساتھی کو اپنے گواہ کے طور پر متعارف کراتے ہیں۔ تاہم، اس کے قریبی ساتھی کی طرف سے بھی اسے دھوکہ دیا جاتا ہے اور بالآخر اسے موت کی سزا سنائی جاتی ہے۔ ان تمام الزامات کے باوجود، خدی غیاث الدین حاتمی جانتے ہیں کہ عثمانی محکمہ پولیس کے خلاف ایک بڑی سازش ہو رہی ہے اور اسی وجہ سے وہ مصطفیٰ کو بچانا چاہتے ہیں۔ وہ عدالت پر اپنا فیصلہ تبدیل نہیں کر سکتا کیونکہ اس کے پاس خاطر خواہ ثبوت نہیں ہیں۔ اس طرح، وہ عثمانی سلطان (اس کا سابق طالب علم) سے بات کرتا ہے اور صورت حال کی وضاحت کرتا ہے۔ عثمانی سلطان ایک حکم دیتا ہے جو اس مسئلے کا حل ہو سکتا ہے: فلنٹا مصطفیٰ استنبول کے محکمہ پولیس میں اپنے عہدے پر واپس آجائیں گے، اس سازش پر کام کریں گے اور 1 سال کے اندر حقیقی مجرموں کو تلاش کریں گے۔ اگر وہ 1 سال کے اندر اپنی بے گناہی ثابت نہ کر سکے تو اسے موت کی سزا سنائی جائے گی۔ مصطفیٰ اس سازش کی چھان بین شروع کرتا ہے لیکن اس کے خلاف سازش کرنے والے اپنے دشمن کی خوبصورت بیٹی لارا زہریاس (دملا اسلانالپ) سے محبت کرتا ہے۔ فلنٹا ٹی وی سیریز کی کہانی میں، آپ 1850-1900 کے درمیان عثمانی جاسوسی ڈرامہ کو تلاش کریں گے۔ کیا مصطفیٰ 1 سال کے اندر اپنی بے گناہی ثابت کر پائیں گے؟ مصطفیٰ کیا کرے گا جب اسے معلوم ہو گا کہ اسے اپنے دشمن کی بیٹی سے پیار ہو گیا ہے؟ کیا مصطفیٰ بورس کو پکڑنے اور اس کی غیر قانونی شناخت ظاہر کرنے میں کامیاب ہو جائیں گے؟ یہ سب جاننے اور دیکھنے کے لئے ابھی فلنٹا مصطفی سیریز دیکھیں۔

Filinta Mustafa Drama All Information:
- Release: December 23, 2014
- Genre: Drama
- Episodes: 56
- Channel: TRT1
- Writer: Altuğ Küçük, Ömer Genç
- Producer: Bülent Turgut, Serdar Öğretici
- Production: Es Film
- DOP: İlker Berke, Sami Saydan
- Director: Kudret Sabancı, Ömer Gökhan Erkut, Osman Kaya
List Of Filinta Mustafa Drama Actors:
Ahmet Saraçoğlu, Reshad Strik, Kemal Zeydan, Mehmet Özgür, Mürşit Ağa Bağ, Mustafa Avkıran, Naz Elmas, Nur Fettahoğlu, Nurşim Demir, Onur Tuna, Rıza Kocaoğlu, Kamil Güler, Selin Deveci, Serhat Sümer, Serhat Tutumluer, Serhat Üstündag, Uğur Taşdemir, Uğur Yıldıran, Wilma Elles, Yavuz Sepetçi, Yiğit Uçan, Kayra Şenocak, Kaan Urgancıoğlu, Asena Tuğal, Erdal Küçükkömürcü, Berrak Tüzünataç, Bülent Alkış, Cem Uçan, Ceren Yılmaz, Damla Aslanalp, Ebubekir Öztürk, Elif Ceren Balıkçı, Engin Yüksel, Ercan Demirel, Erdoğan Tutkun, İpek Tenolcay, Feyza Işık, Fırat Doğruloğlu, Gökçe Özyol, Gözde Mukavelat, Hakan Eratik, Hakan Kurtaş, Hakan Onat, Hakan Yufkacıgil, Hazım Körmükçü, Yosi Mizrahi.
Filinta Mustafa Drama Cast & Characters :
- Onur Tuna as Filinta Mustafa
- Serhat Tutumluer as Boris Zaharyas
- Mehmet Özgür as Kadı Gıyaseddin Hatemi
- Mustafa Avkıran as Davut Paşa
- Hakan Yufkacıgil as Sansar Cemil
- Bülent Alkış as Padişah
- Kaan Urgancıoğlu as Otto Petroviç
- Hakan Kurtaş as Sultan Abdülhamid Han
- Mürşit Ağa Bağ as Derviş Yusuf Efendi
- Rıza Kocaoğlu as Padre Celal
- Yavuz Sepetçi as Padre
- Cem Uçan as Bıçak Ali
- Kayra Şenocak as Hasan
- Ebubekir Öztürk as Bekri
- Yosi Mizrahi as Esat Paşa
- Kamil Güler as Abdullah
- Uğur Yıldıran as Garbis
- Uğur Taşdemir as Sir Henry
- Fırat Doğruloğlu as Hayalet
- Ahmet Saraçoğlu as Saatçi Nafiz
- Reshad Strik as Zülfü
- Kemal Zeydan as Zeyrek
- Ercan Demirel as Hamdi
- Serhat Sümer as Albrecht
- Hakan Eratik as Janti
- Engin Yüksel as Ethem
- Hazım Körmükçü as Akbar Eyyam
- Gökçe Özyol as Emrullah
- Yiğit Uçan as Ejder
- Erdal Küçükkömürcü as Fernando
- Erdoğan Tutkun as Hüsnü
- Hakan Onat as Samet
- Serhat Üstündag as Yusuf
- Naz Elmas as Azize
- Damla Aslanalp as Lara Zaharyas
- Nur Fettahoğlu as Süreyya
- Berrak Tüzünataç as Farah
- İpek Tenolcay as Feriha Nur
- Asena Tuğal as Leyla
- Ceren Yılmaz as Hatice
- Feyza Işık as Gülbahar
- Wilma Elles as Anita von Wilhelm
- Gözde Mukavelat as Melek
- Elif Ceren Balıkçı as Gonca
- Nurşim Demir as Ana
- Selin Deveci

Season 1 All Episodes With Urdu Subtitles :
مشہور جاسوسی ڈرامہ سیریل فلنٹا مصطفی کے ٹوٹل دو سیزن ہیں۔ پہلے سیزن کی 26 اقساط ہیں۔ یہ ساری 26 اقساط اُردو سب ٹائٹل ہوگئی ہیں، سب ٹائٹل کا سارا کریڈٹ اردو بولو کی ٹیم کو جاتا ہے، یہ سب محنت ان کی ہے۔ یہاں نیچے فلنٹا مصطفی ڈرامہ سیریل کے سیزن 1 کی تمام اقساط کے لنک شیئر کررہا ہوں، آپ نے جو قسط دیکھنی ہو، اس پر کلک کریں اور دیکھیں۔ شکریہ
Season 2 All Episodes With Urdu Subtitles :
ڈرامہ سیریل فلنٹا مصطفی کے دو سیزن ہیں، پہلا سیزن 26 اقساط پر مشتمل ہے، جبکہ سیزن 2 کی ٹوٹل 30 اقساط ہیں۔ اس کا اردو سب ٹائٹل ابھی جاری ہے۔ اس کے اردو سب ٹائٹل پر اُردو بولو کی ٹیم کام جاری رکھے ہوئے ہے۔ جیسے جیسے اقساط اردو سب ٹائٹل کے ساتھ ریلیز ہوتی جائیں گی، میں یہاں نیچے ان کو اپڈیٹ کرتا رہوں گا۔ آپ آپنی مطلوبہ قسط پر کلک کریں اور دیکھیں۔ شکران
Filinta Mustafa Drama Cast Name, Character Description :
Onur Tuna (Role: Filinta Mustafa)
On the 5th night of April 1824, they found a baby in front of Yunus Efendi Complex. The baby was tightly swaddled in an expensive cradle reserved for the wealthy classes, and was wrapped in Frankish fabrics, which were very popular at the time, so as not to be affected by the April cold. A pocket watch was on his swaddle as a representative of a secret. The teachers had encountered many abandoned children before. However, they had not come across a child who should have been the son of high-class people at this level, in terms of his watch, his highly crafted cradle, and the clothes he was wrapped in. They were surprise. The fact that the brat never cried, on the contrary, smiling sweetly at everything, added love to their surprise. The teachers gave this boy the middle name of our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (SA) among themselves. Mustafa, He quickly grew and flourished with Ali, with whom he was blood brother, in the complex. From the age of four, they were protected by Gıyasettin Brothers. Gıyasettin was the wisest, most compassionate and most beloved of the brothers. Their patron, Zeynel Dede, became a surrogate father to them and instilled a high sense of justice. With her intelligence and agility, Filinta Mustafa was one of those brats who made you say that this kid has a lot of work. It was impossible to cope with neither his intelligence nor his energy.
When he was just 8 years old, it was clear that when he grew up, he would become a beautiful boy who would make women’s hearts flutter and men would burst with jealousy. It was soon realized that he had a special language and literary talent. He speaks English, Italian, French and Russian, along with Kurdish, which he speaks with a command close to Turkish. He is capable of calligraphy, his talent in music and poetry, add his extremely attentive eye, which can focus on details that no one else can see, and add to all these abilities a slightly humorous prank; you will find Filinta Mustafa in front of you. At the age of 15, he took a lesson from a scholar from Bukhara, Sayokan, the Turkish martial art that had sunk into oblivion. This made his wrist rigid. Filinta Mustafa is deeply committed to our traditions and customs, and is open to innovations. The person he cares most about in life is his patron, Gıyasettin Hatemi. He is brave, like a lion. It is not her striking marksmanship that has earned Filinta this nickname. What makes him a Filinta is that he has discovered that the shortened rifle barrel increases shot damage at close range.
Serhat Tutumluer (Role: Boris Zaharyas)
A handsome and charismatic Greek-Ottoman citizen in his 50s with ice blue eyes. Banker. No one knows about his past and how he made his fortune. A super-intelligent, egocentric power freak. His cool, he covers his dark side very well with his fake politeness. Underground Galata Port, therefore Istanbul trade life controls. As he said, “He who controls Galata controls Istanbul.” Now, under the mask of a respected banker, he is waiting for the right time like a black plague that grows in Galata and wants to envelop all of Istanbul. Apart from Sansar Cemal, who is the owner of the precious metals of the Ottoman Empire, the owner of the shipping fleet, and the usury man, who does the dirty work, there is a small army of psychopathic killers that even Sansar Cemal does not know about. Filinta sees Mustafa as a danger because of her hidden past. Her biggest fear is that Filinta Mustafa will reveal her past and secrets and take revenge on him.
Mustafa Avkiran (Role: Davut Pasha)
He is a descendant of Giray Pasha, who failed in the Ottoman-Russian war a hundred years ago. His family has always lived under the shadow of this event. Of course he himself. Daddy at first glance. But behind him is a tough, authoritative character and a strategic genius. He was a military attaché in 4 different countries just to better understand and analyze the geopolitical situation of the Ottoman Empire. He has an unmatched ability to collect and evaluate data. Not interested in everyday events. He looks at things in the long term. For this reason, it only takes action when it lies on its head. That makes him an uncanny man. He always makes pragmatic decisions. For example, when he can prevent the komitaci who are going to raid a village, he does not stop them. But after the raid, he organizes the local people against the komitaci. Interestingly, his creed is strong. Contra guerrilla.
His candor hasn’t left any place on his face where he hasn’t been driven since he was young. but wherever he was exiled, he kept the peace. He was always in front of his soldiers. He was impressed with his courage. This is where the nickname Mad David comes from. But so far, no father has ever said his nickname to his face. Although he was exiled to Yemen for the last time, thanks to the geopolitically predictive letters he wrote to the Sultan, he not only fell in favor with the Sultan again. He became the head of a top secret organization called “Headquarters”. He considers it essential to use all kinds of modern tools of the West for the “Headquarters” he has established. He knows that the Ottomans can only respond to their enemies in this way. But he is a true Ottoman. Sitting, standing, behavior. While listening to the intelligence information, he listens by reciting his rosary in a unique way, sitting thousands of pieces in his head. And he is right about the course of events. Sometimes he creates the events himself. It works in extreme secrecy. He has succeeded in keeping himself and his work in the shade. It is said that he got married in the mountains of Jabal Bahra, where he was exiled as a captain. But he has lived alone for years.
There is no one. Even if they don’t know their employees, they protect them. But he has no tolerance for failure and stupidity. It has a photo memory. He doesn’t forget what he saw. The information network in Europe is strong. There is no right or wrong for him. The Ottomans have interests. But he has no tolerance for failure and stupidity. It has a photo memory. He doesn’t forget what he saw. The information network in Europe is strong. There is no right or wrong for him. The Ottomans have interests. But he has no tolerance for failure and stupidity. It has a photo memory. He doesn’t forget what he saw. The information network in Europe is strong. There is no right or wrong for him. The Ottomans have interests.
Hakan Yufkacigil (Role: Sansar Cemil)
Also known as Sansar Cemil… He’s tall, athletic, and a crime machine. The type whose face is impossible to read an emotion. Fear, surprise, pain, joy, no human reaction. As Boris retreats into the legal arena, the man to whom he transferred his old place. Wild as a pitbull, loyal as a sheepdog.
Mürşit Ağa Bağ (Role: Dervish Yusuf Efendi)
He received his first education in the complex, which he currently heads. He pursued knowledge at an early age. He became a student of the important scholars of the period in Turkmenistan, Bukhara and Damascus, and received his ratification. A “Fakih”, that is, someone respected in the Islamic world on Fiqh… He is also an expert in algebra and astronomy. He performs the art of calligraphy to relax and gives gifts to his loved ones. He is currently a teacher, educating students, and taking care of orphans in his social complex. He has a great interest in the humanities. He believes that the Ottoman Empire can only move forward if it succeeds in science and science. It sees women as equals and even encourages them to have a profession. His heartfelt name is Yunus Emre. He is famous for solving often complicated matters in a simple and straightforward way. A dervish who is highly respected in Istanbul with his knowledge and manners, and possesses knowledge and wisdom. Yusuf Efendi is called as Yusuf Baba by the people around him.
Yosi Mizrahi (Role: Esat Pasha)
Son of Donkey Sermet. He was born in a poor family. He was drafted into the army as a private. He graduated from Mekteb-i Fünun-i Harbiyye-i Şahane and became a lieutenant. Afterwards, he climbed the steps rapidly and ascended to the Ministry of the Navy. He is married to Fevziye, the daughter of a Mirala. He has two daughters. A greedy, greedy person. With these features, it was not difficult for Boris to draw him to his side.
Kamil Guler (Role: Foto Abdullah)
Abdullah Efendi, one of the first photographers of Istanbul, a technology freak of his time. One of Mustafa’s closest friends. An inventor. A slightly nerdy bookworm. It’s almost like there’s nothing he doesn’t know. While he solves many cases with Mustafa, he bites his finger with the solutions he finds. Interestingly, he is a person whom Gıyasettin highly respects.

Riza Kocaoglu (Role: Padre Jalal)
A psychopath with no sense of pity. Extremely clever. In the full sense of the Ottoman Empire, it was brought up as an enemy. There are two people he values in life. Padre and Farah. His ability to kill was discovered by Padre in a secret organization called Manastır, where he was educated at a young age. He fulfilled his task without question. His greatest ideal is the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. His greatest love is Farah, whom he raised like a sister in Manastır. In love with Farah, as they said. But he began to punish himself physically for contradicting his beliefs. He later realized that he liked it. Although he thinks that the monastic organization remains passive, he prefers to remain silent because of his belief in Padre, who raised him… For now. A makeup master. He can lose himself very well in a community. Then he finishes off his victim. He is famous for making snap decisions and implementing them. Patience is an unnecessary emotion for him. bedside book Machiavelli’s Prince bedside book. Farah’s beauty is the only time she feels helpless.
Berrak Tuzunatac (Role: Farah)
An extraordinarily beautiful woman in her late 20s. Although he was well brought up by the monastery, he sometimes fits his conscience when it comes to cruelty. This is ignored by Jalal. The best female assassin the abbey has produced in centuries. He fights and uses weapons as strong as a man. She trains for 2 hours every day without fail. Extremely disciplined. He speaks 5 languages. Her biggest problem is her dreams. Because she vaguely remembers her mother. She sees Celal’s interest in him as a brotherly feeling. She opens every door with her beauty. Its biggest feature is that it makes their assassinations look like an accident. But Celal takes him to some raids so that his sense of killing is not lost. Because, according to Celal, the more human Farah falls into, the closer she gets to him.
Ebubekir Ozturk (Role: Bekri)
A bandit who came to Istanbul from the mountains. He killed his feud while working in the village. Then he escaped to the mountains and acted as a bandit in the Taurus Mountains for a long time. Later, when he realized that he would be caught, he went down to the city. Along with his men, he caught Rıza’s attention. A ruthless, sadistic killer. He’s looking for money, Greedy. At first, he did whatever Riza said. Now working for Boris. Managing his dream Istanbul.
Asena Tugal (Role: Physician Leyla)
He studied medicine in Germany at the request of his father, who was a pasha in his 30s. He became a doctor at the hospital in Galata. Leyla is the daughter of a forward-thinking man who believes that “women are no different from men”. She will tend to Mustafa in time.
Mehmet Ozgur (Role: Kadi Gıyaseddin Hatemi)
He was born in Dersaadet in November 1810. His family was a descendant of Kadı Burhanettin, who had produced ulema and religious scholars for generations. From a young age he showed his quick wit. He studied fiqh, usûl-i fiqh, ferâiz, hadith, tafsir, committee and medicine in Bukhara, Damascus, Cairo and Konya. Then he returned to the City of Istanbul. While giving lessons to the princes in the palace, he also taught the Qur’an to the orphans in Yunus Efendi Complex. He met Mustafa and Ali there. He took care of them, patronized them, brought them up. He sent it to the police with his own hands. With the grace of Allah and the approval and support of the state, he was promoted to the position of “Kadi”, which was a high position in a short time. Gıyasettin Efendi was appointed as a judge in 1860, first to Beşiktaş and then to Galata, by his own student, the Sultan.
Kadi Gıyasettin Hatemi, now 42 years old, is in the office of kadi in Istanbul, where he came back and forth. She has a happy life with Zevci Nurbanu Hatun and her two children. He loves his wife and children very much. Gıyasettin Hatemi gave his two sons the names of Mustafa and Ali, whom he loved like his brother while he was the elder brother in the orphanage. In terms of character, he is the distillation of wisdom that is dignified, ponders and speaks, carries short hair when confused, scratches his head for a long time, is allergic to lies, is sharp-witted, does not swallow ash. Although it has a docile appearance, it makes its weight felt in every environment it enters. The refuge of the innocent is the scourge of the criminals. Throughout our story, she will fight against crime in Istanbul with her brother, Filinta Mustafa, whom she remembers, and root out the criminals. also in the office of judge. She has a happy life with Zevci Nurbanu Hatun and her two children. He loves his wife and children very much. Gıyasettin Hatemi gave his two sons the names of Mustafa and Ali, whom he loved like his brother while he was the elder brother in the orphanage.
In terms of character, he is the distillation of wisdom that is dignified, ponders and speaks, carries short hair when confused, scratches his head for a long time, is allergic to lies, is sharp-witted, does not swallow ash. Although it has a docile appearance, it makes its weight felt in every environment it enters. The refuge of the innocent is the scourge of the criminals. Throughout our story, she will fight against crime in Istanbul with her brother, Filinta Mustafa, whom she remembers, and root out the criminals. also in the office of judge. She has a happy life with Zevci Nurbanu Hatun and her two children. He loves his wife and children very much. Gıyasettin Hatemi gave his two sons the names of Mustafa and Ali, whom he loved like his brother while he was the elder brother in the orphanage. In terms of character, he is the distillation of wisdom that is dignified, ponders and speaks, carries short hair when confused, scratches his head for a long time, is allergic to lies, is sharp-witted, does not swallow ash. Although it has a docile appearance, it makes its weight felt in every environment it enters.
The refuge of the innocent is the scourge of the criminals. Throughout our story, she will fight against crime in Istanbul with her brother, Filinta Mustafa, whom she remembers, and root out the criminals. Gıyasettin Hatemi named Mustafa and Ali, whom he loved like his brother, while he was his elder brother in the orphanage. In terms of character, he is the distillation of wisdom that is dignified, ponders and speaks, carries short hair when confused, scratches his head for a long time, is allergic to lies, is sharp-witted, does not swallow ash. Although it has a docile appearance, it makes its weight felt in every environment it enters. The refuge of the innocent is the scourge of the criminals. Throughout our story, she will fight against crime in Istanbul with her brother, Filinta Mustafa, whom she remembers, and root out the criminals. Gıyasettin Hatemi named Mustafa and Ali, whom he loved like his brother, while he was his elder brother in the orphanage. In terms of character, he is the distillation of wisdom that is dignified, ponders and speaks, carries short hair when confused, scratches his head for a long time, is allergic to lies, is sharp-witted, does not swallow ash. Although it has a docile appearance, it makes its weight felt in every environment it enters.
The refuge of the innocent is the scourge of the criminals. Throughout our story, she will fight against crime in Istanbul with her brother, Filinta Mustafa, whom she remembers, and root out the criminals. It is the distillation of sharp-witted, ashes-free wisdom. Although it has a docile appearance, it makes its weight felt in every environment it enters. The refuge of the innocent is the scourge of the criminals. Throughout our story, she will fight against crime in Istanbul with her brother, Filinta Mustafa, whom she remembers, and root out the criminals. It is the distillation of sharp-witted, ashes-free wisdom. Although it has a docile appearance, it makes its weight felt in every environment it enters. The refuge of the innocent is the scourge of the criminals. Throughout our story, she will fight against crime in Istanbul with her brother, Filinta Mustafa, whom she remembers, and root out the criminals.
Damla Aslanalp (Role: Lara)
The great love of Filinta Mustafa, the only child of Banker Boris Zaharyas. The legendary beauty of the Istanbul high society. She’s trained to be a complete queen. Men around him crazy sofa and propellers. But he said, “There is an emptiness in my heart, I am looking for my other half in this life.” He walks around saying and rejects everyone. As soon as he meets Filinta Mustafa, the emptiness in his heart will be filled and he will realize that the other half he is looking for in this life is Filinta Mustafa. She is said to have lost her mother at a young age. He has not yet tasted love because of his sense of goodness and justice and the courage that accompanies them. She doesn’t know the real face of her father. On the contrary, she sees him as a hero and loves her very much. A fairy godmother devoted to the devotees of Galata. Gulbahar is her best friend, her nanny.
Naz Elmas (Role: Azize)
30 years old. Always young and beautiful looking. Beneath her pure beauty, a devil lurks. Charming, extraordinarily intelligent. His father is a former pasha. His mother died when he was younger. An only child. Until the age of 12, baby roses grew up with French governesses in the mansion. His father was accused of a bribery scandal and committed suicide. The state confiscated all his property. As a member of a disgraced family, he had to learn the hardest way about life on the streets when all the doors were slammed in his face. He grew up with all the filth and perversions of the streets of Pera. He learned the intricacies of poison making from him while living as a closure of a pharmacist in his 60s. His first victim was an elderly pharmacist. Unmerciful. Brave. The only person he fears in life is Boris. Boris discovered it 10 years ago. Saint’ He used his skills in ‘s bedroom on influential people and gained great power in Istanbul by blackmailing them. He paid Azize a lot in return for this. He does not value the lives of others. His biggest passion is the luxury life. He has a refined sense of taste. He lives in a mansion with his faithful servant Zülfü.
Kayra Senocak (Role: Hassan)
A burly officer in his 40s. Righteous David. A true man of the people. A Circassian Muslim with strong religious feelings. He is now Mustafa’s closest. He was ordered by Gıyasettin to watch over Mustafa. Always reliable, always does what is ordered without question. It has suffocating power. He’s been through a marriage, but he never talks about it. His most important statement is “May Allah correct him” after he slammed the criminals.
Ercan Demirel (Role: Hamdi)
A large, oriental type. Its reverent image supports sobriety. Little, but speaks for itself. Son of a respected soldier of the Janissary Corps. He is a man who is notorious for blending his relationships with his father, the experience and friendships he gained during his maritime years, and bullying. He has his own red lines, he does not get involved in dirty work such as drugs and prostitution. Hamdi, who organized the porters and pumpers, has a son, Majid. This bully, who entered the illegitimate life back to back with Boris, is still emotionally attached to the Ottoman Empire due to the upbringing he received from his father. Ever since they parted ways due to Boris’s greed, he has been looking at his own wave without stepping on this old friend of his destiny.
Reshad Strik (Role: Zulfu)
Azize’s bouncer. He is madly in love with Azize. He never speaks. She just does what Azize tells her. He’s very strong, very adept at killing people. The trademark choke wire. There are rumors that he is a former executioner. He always follows Azize 10 steps behind. A lost soul whose eyes we sometimes see traces of compassion.
Feyza Işık (Role: Gulbahar)
A slightly fat woman in her 40s. Circassian. Lara’s nanny. Even though Lara takes a liking to it, she can’t help being angry with her. Protective guard. He turned down all marriage proposals to take care of Lara. Lara is his only family. Finisher, clever.
Cem Ucan (Role: Ali the Knife)
Mustafa’s best friend, comrade in arms.
Serhan Ernak (Role: Quarter)
One of the short-lived officers who approach every event with a different and funny point of view.
Kemal Zeydan (Role: Zeyrek)
One of the short-lived officers who approach every event with a different and funny point of view.
Burcu Shepherd (Role: Ayşe)
Wife of Kadi Gıyaseddin. She is a high-energy chick with all the features of Anatolian people. She is devoted to her husband and children, but complains that her husband is more involved in his work with this new Galata position. She has made it her job to find a good fortune for everyone. His motto; “Making a nest is rewarding.”
Umut Kırcali (Role: Kabzimalzade Enver)
A thin, thin person in his 30s. Lara’s dictionary. He has a clumsy and uncouth personality, who trusts his father’s money. His father owns the largest merchant ship fleet in the Ottoman Empire. Although their main occupation is seamanship, their family occupation still perpetuates the middleman. Boris wants to marry Lara and Enver and become a partner in the family’s fleet power.
Sencer Serta Çakal (Role: Majid)
A tall, thin young man in his 20s. It is obvious from his eyes that he is ambitious. He likes to dress well, to show himself rich and mighty. While the Ottomans were changing and Galata was changing, he is still a young man who is fried in his own fat, who does not understand his father, but also wants to show his father that he can fly with his own wings. Although the rifle was invented, it is difficult for him to understand his father, as he could not keep up with the years when bravery still resisted corruption. He also suffers from an inferiority complex because he cannot see the reason for the aura of respect around his father.
Wilma Elles (Role: Anita von Wilhelm)
Europe’s most famous singer and dancer of the late 1800s. She is a dangerous woman who came to the Ottoman Empire to give a series of concerts, is the apple of the eye of all men with her fame and charm, but there is nothing she cannot do for her country with her German fanaticism.
Nur Fettahoglu (Role: Sureyya)
The archenemy of Boris Zaharyas. Sureyya’s anger and hatred towards Boris is the reason she clings to life.
Ahmet Saracoglu (Role: Watchmaker Nafiz)
Son of former customs manager Tahsin. His father and family were killed by Boris Zaharyas. 1 month left to live. He learns about Zaharyas and starts killing those involved in revenge.
Mustafa Uzunyılmaz (Role: Cartographer Oral)
He came to Istanbul from the Arabian Peninsula to reach the Sultan. It holds the water resources in Mosul, Kirkuk and the Arabian Peninsula. That’s why British and French spies are after him.
Emre Canpolat (Role: Gazanfer)
30 years old, wiry. He doesn’t talk much. He tells what he will say with his eyes. Brave, daring. Mild bully. Traditionalist. Quiet power. He fights well. The reason why he could not rise in the order is because he is no one’s man. He does what he knows is right. Zinhar won’t forgive you for getting annoyed. He knows the streets well, and the rules of the streets. He gets angry immediately, forgives immediately. He sees that the Ottoman Empire is rotting inside and he is very upset. When he meets Kadi Gıyaseddin and Filinta Mustafa, the fire of justice in his heart heats up. A warrior of justice who is incredibly respectful of those he cares about.
Alican Bayhan (Role: Ziya from Skopje)
Officer. 25 years old. Very smart. interrogator. Trustworthy. He is the kind that makes the hearts of girls jump with his handsomeness. Good marksman. Because he is the excited type, he sometimes acts inconsiderately. That’s why Kadı Gıyaseddin gave Gazanfer to him to watch over him. He is very sympathetic… Sometimes he hangs out with Gazanfer. Gazanfer answers him with a grunt. He also has a high sense of humor. The women who come to the foundation can’t help but squint their eyes at him. She flirts with just her looks. He never loses his cool. Owner of trust. Believing in destiny. Someone who changes his environment with his energy.
Alona King (Role: Vivian)
Anita’s right-hand man, sidekick, and dancer, she’s the only person she trusts. At least as charming as Anita, she is a character who can achieve many things by using her femininity.
Ahmet Mekin (Role: Abdullah)
Pir of the Qadiri Sect. With his deep Islamic knowledge and stance that includes his spiritual teachings, he will be the mentor and mentor of the new sultan.
Final Words :
Friends ye tha hmara aaj ka article Filinta Mustafa Drama Serial All Episodes with Urdu Subtitles By UrduBolo k baray me, umeed krta hon ye aap sb ko pasand aaya hoga. Aap sb se se request hai k comments section me hmaein lazmi btaya krein k hmara kaam aapnko kesa lg raha hai, kisi improvement ki zarorat hai? Hum sb aap ki tarf se appreciation k muntazar rehte hain. Aap sb hamaray articles ko share lazmi kiya krein. Shukraan