History Of Alaeddin Pasha, Alâeddin Bey (Alâeddin Pasha, Alaeddin Ali Pasha, Erden Ali Bey is one of the sons of Osman Gazi , the founder of the Ottoman State.
According to the Ottoman chronicles , after the death of Osman Gazi , together with Orhan Gazi , the name of Şehzade Alaeddin was spoken for the principality; At the end of the meeting between the two brothers, Şehzade Alaeddin voluntarily renounced the principality. His humble personality is highlighted in historical sources.
It is thought that Alaeddin Bey, who preferred to live the life of a dervish in his lodge in Bursa , later took on some bureaucratic duties and participated in some expeditions at the request of Orhan Bey. According to some sources, Alaeddin Bey played a role in the establishment of the vizier system and was the first vizier of the Ottoman Empire; He is also the first member of the dynasty to use the title of “Pasha”.
It is not known exactly how old and for what reason he died. He spent the last years of his life in his lodge in Bursa, Kükürtlü , and was buried in Osman Gazi’s tomb when he died.
Alaeddin Pasha Early Life :
There is very little information about the life of Alaeddin Bey, one of Osman Gazi’s sons, in the sources about the establishment of the Ottoman State. It was even claimed that Osman Gazi did not have a son named Alâeddin because of the scarcity of this information and that this was a fabrication by the chroniclers, but this view was not accepted by historians.
In the article of researcher Hüseyin Hüsameddin Yaşar about Alâeddin Bey, his date of birth is stated as 1279-1280 without any reference. The identity of his mother is a matter of dispute among historians. According to some sources, his mother is Bala Hatun , the daughter of Sheikh Edebali . Some historians claim that he was born from the same mother as Orhan Bey, and that his mother was Malhun Hatun . It is also a controversial issue whether Osman Gazi was the eldest son or not. According to some sources, Şehzade Alaeddin was the eldest son, according to others, Şehzade Orhan was the eldest son.
Little is known about Alaeddin Bey’s childhood and youth. It is known that he received a good education like other princes. According to some chronicles, he spent time in Bilecik with his grandfather Sheikh Edebali and his mother Bala Hatun and was tasked with the protection of the city.
laeddin Pasha Title :
Şehzade Alaeddin Bey was the first dynasty member to use the title “Pasha” in Ottoman history. This title, which was generally used by viziers in the early Ottoman bureaucracy, was used by ulema and sheikhs in the late Seljuk and early Ottoman periods. In his biography work named Osmanzâde Ahmed Tâib Hadika’tü’l- vüzera , which gives biographies of Ottoman viziers and grand viziers , Alaaddin Pasha’s “pasha” reputation is explained as follows:
“Since the elder son is called pasha among the Turks, he was (named) with this name in the army”.
Abdication :
According to researcher Hüseyin Hüsameddin Bey, Şehzade Alaeddin was 20 years old when his father died. The first Ottoman historians ( Aşıkpaşazade, Oruç Bey, Nesri, İbn-i Kemal ) and the notables of the Principality and Osman Bey’s children held a meeting, according to the traditionally accepted narrative; In this meeting, Şehzade Orhan suggested that his brother Şehzade Alaeddin be the Bey, but Alaeddin did not accept this and stated that he considered his younger brother Orhan suitable for the throne of the Principality, as the dignitaries saw fit, and Orhan ascended the throne.
Different views have also been put forward regarding the passing of Prince Orhan to the throne. There are historians who adopt the view that Alaeddin Bey remained silent after the Ahis supported Orhan and that there was a standoff between the two brothers due to the throne issue. According to some late Arab historians, the real name of Osman Gazi’s son Alaeddin was Erden Ali, he was a principal for a short time after his father’s death; Based on this information, there were historians who wrote that he was the second sultan of the Ottoman Empire. The Byzantine historian Laonikos Halkokondiles , without citing a source, states that when his father died, his son Orhan retreated to Uludağ and then gathered soldiers and defeated his brothers.

Viziership :
Although Alaeddin Bey abdicated the throne and preferred to work as a dervish in a dervish lodge in Fodra village (today’s Alaaddinbey Mahallesi ), which is west of Bursa for a while, he accepted the duty of vizier upon the invitation of Orhan Bey. While Orhan Gazi was busy with conquests, he dealt with administrative restructuring as the first vizier of the Ottoman Empire. The intimacy between the two brothers has been compared by some historians to the relationship between the prophets Moses and Aaron.
However, the issue of Alaeddin Bey’s viziership is also one of the controversial issues about him. Some historians rejected the idea that he was Orhan Gazi’s vizier and made regulations in the army. For example , İsmail Hakkı Uzunçarşılı states that the Ottoman history writers were wrong about this; He put forward the view that the first Ottoman vizier , Alaeddin Pasha , was a different person from Alâeddin Bey. Some sources give the name of the first vizier as ” Alaaddin Pasha bin Hacı Kemaleddin ” and ” Hacıkemalettinoğlu Alaaddin Pasha ” and according to this, the first vizier was not the son of Osman Bey, but the son of a person named “Hacı Kemalettin”.
Army Command :
Alaeddin Bey also participated in some expeditions as an army commander. The expression ” emîrkebir mujahid ” in his charter shows that he was the commander of the army. Some historians write that he participated in the Battle of Maltepe and played a role in winning the war, but there is no definite information about this.
It is thought that the practice of wearing white headgear for Ottoman soldiers to distinguish them from other principality soldiers was introduced by Alaeddin Bey, and Orhan Bey had white bork produced in Bilecik upon his recommendation. Together with Çandarlı Kara Halil Pasha , he pioneered the establishment of permanent pedestrian and Müsellem units for the first time. The organization of the other units of the army, the establishment of the divan organization , the wearing of twisted turbans and the printing of money are attributed to Alaeddin Bey, but it is not certain.
Tekke Life and Death Of Alaeddin Pasha :
After serving as a vizier and army commander for a while, Alaeddin Bey returned to his lodge life. He lived in his lodge in Kükürtlü. Known for his philanthropy. It is not known exactly how old he was and for what reason he died. It is thought that he died in Bursa in 1333. Some sources also report that he was martyred in a war. It is also said that he died in the Biga Castle in 1333. His lineage continued through his son Hızır Bey.
Alaeddin Pasha Works :
He had a mosque built in Hisar in Bursa; This masjid is known as the first mosque built in Bursa. [8] It is known that he had a lodge built inside the Hot Spring Gate in Kükürtlü, but the location and time of the building at the Hot Spring Gate are not known.

Complete History of Alaeddin Pasha :
Alaeddin Pasha ) during the reign of Orhan Gazi , the second Ottoman sultan , ca. 1320. He is an Ottoman statesman who served as a vizier between 1331 . There are different theses about the name and origin of Alaaddin Pasha. It is agreed that he was the first Ottoman vizier. Historians also give the name of this first vizier as Alaeddin Pasha, Alaaddin Bey, Ali Pasha, Alaaddin Ali, Erden Ali, Pazarli, and this first vizier is the first Ottoman Sultan.
They accept that he is the son of Osman Gazi. According to Sakaoğlu. According to the first Ottoman dates, Alaeddin Pasha was the son of Osman Bey and Bala Hatun, daughter of Sheikh Edebali, and the brother of Orhan Bey.
The biographies of Mehmet Süreyya ‘s Sicill-i Osmani and Ahmed Taib ‘s Hadika’tü’l-vüzera are also included in this thesis. The first Ottoman histories prepared by Aşıkpaşazade , Oruç Bey , Nesri and İbni Kemal also accept this. The title of “pasha” of Alaeddin Pasha, who was the first vizier to be discussed in Hadika’tu’l-vuzara, which gives biographies of the Grand Vizier and his viziers, is explained as follows:
Since the elder son is called pasha among the Turks, he was (named) with this name in the army.
History Of Alaeddin Pasha.
Alaaddin Pasha was a consultant to his father during the reign of Osman Gazi. Then, following his father’s order, he went to Bilecik to his grandfather Ahi Sheikh Edebali and served him there. The first Ottoman historians (Aşıkpaşazade, Oruç Bey, Nesri, İbni Kemal) and the notables of the Principality and Osman Bey’s children, according to the traditionally accepted narrative, held a meeting; At this meeting, Orhan Bey suggested that his brother Alaaddin be Bey, but Aleaddin did not accept this and stated that he considered his younger brother Orhan suitable for the throne of the Principality, as the dignitaries saw fit, and Orhan came to the throne. After his brother became Orhan Bey, first Aleaddin Bey Mihalıççıkaccident, he retreated to his farm between Bursa and Kete and took the path of “sheikhdom”. But then he was appointed as a vizier (vey beylerbey) at the request of Orhan Bey. It was referred to as “emir-i kebir” in its charter.
In accordance with his recommendations, a cash was cut in the name of Orhan Bey. “White Börk” for soldiers of all classes, “Red Börk” headwear and different types of clothing for civilians were accepted. The first regular “yaya” army was established. He also ensured that the first Ottoman laws were put in accordance with the conditions of the period. After this viziership, he left the post and retired to his corner. The grove in the town of Pakte and the Futra farm in the Kitre plain were given to him as a living.Some sources also report that he was martyred in a war. His date of death is unknown. His grave is in Osman Gazi Tomb in Bursa . After his death, his children and grandchildren were respected by the sultanate, and his charitable works and foundation were directed by his descendants. His works There are two mosques in the castle and a hot spring in Bursa, and a lodge and soup kitchen in Kükürtlu. He also established a foundation.

Who is Alaeddin Pasha in History:
- His Father : OSMAN I
- Founder of the Ottoman Empire and its dynasty (1302-1324).
- His Brother : ORHAN
- Ottoman sultan (1324-1362).
- His Mother : MAL HATUN
- The wife of Osman Bey, the founder of the Ottoman Principality
- The mosque he built : ALÂEDDIN BEY MOSQUE
- The mosque, which is the first work of the Turkish period in Bursa Castle.
His name is also mentioned in the sources as Ali and Ali Erden. Information about him is incomplete due to lack of resources and contradictions in available resources. However, his name is mentioned as Alaeddin in his charter. He is most likely a younger brother of Orhan Bey’s parents. Until the last days of his father, he sometimes stayed with his grandfather Sheikh Edebali in Bilecik and sometimes with his father in Yenişehir. After the death of Osman Gazi, he probably became the commander of the army for a while, after his elder brother Orhan became the principal with the alliance of the chiefs of the ahis, but then he went into seclusion. History of Alaeddin Pasha.
According to a rumor, Orhan, who was an army commander while his father was alive, refused the offer of the “chief” and his father’s inheritance; he was content only with buying the Kotra (Kudra) land in the Kete region of Bursa. But Alaeddin Bey, It is known that he was the army commander in the war in Maltepe between Orhan Gazi and the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos. As a matter of fact, the expression “emîr-i kebîr mujahid fî sabilullah avni’l-guzât ve’l-mücahidîn” in his endowment dated 1333 confirms this qualification. According to a rumor, Alaeddin Bey died in Biga Castle in 1333 (see Mehmed Raşid, v. 24).b -26 a ). His grave is in his father’s tomb in Bursa. There is a lodge in Bursa’s Kükürtlü district and two mosques at the beginning of the hot spring.
The names of his grandchildren are mentioned in a land registry book of Bursa foundations dated 928 (1522). In some sources, the title of Alaeddin, who was confused with another Alaeddin Pasha who lived in that period and was not a member of the dynasty, is “bey” both in the charter and in the cadastral register.
What Did Alaeddin Pasha Do?
The most important performance of Alaeddin Bey was the activities he carried out in the administrative and military organization of the Ottoman Principality. During his command of the army, he changed the color of the soldiers’ headdresses from red to white in order to distinguish the Ottoman soldiers from the soldiers of other Anatolian principalities . Although the organization of the other units of the army, even the establishment of the divan organization in the Ottomans, the wearing of twisted turbans in the divan and the printing of money are attributed to Alâeddin Bey, it is not possible to give a definitive judgment about them for now.
Alaeddin Pasha And Orhan Gazi:
Orhan Gazi, the second sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and Alaeddin Bey are brothers. Orhan Gazi and Alaeddin Bey’s fathers Osman Bey’s mothers are different. Orhan Gazi’s mother is Malhun Hatun, and Alaeddin Bey’s mother is Rabia Bala Hatun.
According to some historians, Alaeddin Bey is Osman Bey’s eldest son, and according to some historians, he is younger than Orhan Gazi.
Kurulus Osman’s Alaeddin Pasha Actor Name?
Yaman Çınar Balcı plays the character of Alaeddin in Kurulus Osman. Yaman Çınar Balcı is a 7th grade primary school student. Born in Istanbul in 2009, Yaman Çınar Balcı first experienced acting in front of the camera in the Awakening Great Seljuk TV series, and also gave life to a prince. Later, Yaman Çınar Balcı, who was the child of the master actor Sema Keçik’s Selvi in the Red Room series, will finally appear with the character of Alaaddin Bey in the Kurulus Osman series.
Alaeddin Pasha Date Of Birth?
In the article of researcher Hüseyin Hüsameddin Yaşar about Alâeddin Bey, his date of birth is stated as 1279-1280 Sogut without any reference.
Who is Alaeddin in the Ottoman Empire?
According to the Ottoman chronicles, Alaeddin Pasha, who was the first vizier of the Ottoman Empire, was Alâeddin Bey, the son of the Ottoman Sultan Osman Gazi and who also used the title Pasha. However, some sources give the name of the first vizier as “Alaaddin Pasha bin Haci Kemaleddin” and “Hacikemalettinoglu Aladaddin Pasha”.