The Period of Despotism Sultan - Abdulhamid II

Period of Autocracy (1878-1908): The 30-year period in which Abdulhamid II pursued his own policies with oppression and censorship and ruled the country “alone”.

What Does Despotism Mean?

Tyranny is a term that generally refers to the rule or authority of an authoritarian or oppressive government. Tyranny describes a political environment in which the government does not respect or violates ordinary law and democratic processes. Such a government typically restricts basic human rights, suppresses freedom of expression, silences dissenting voices, and frequently uses force to suppress political opposition.

The term tyranny was used particularly during the Ottoman Empire. During this period, despite reform attempts such as the Tanzimat Edict and the Islahat Edict, despotism and authoritarian rule continued within the Empire. Similarly, periods of tyranny occurred in other countries.

The term tyranny is used to refer to oppressive governments and practices that undermine democracy. In many countries, periods of tyranny result in social discontent and political conflict, and demands for democratic reforms.

What is tyranny, what does tyranny mean? After learning this, we can now move on to the characteristics of the tyranny period. Here are the characteristics of the tyranny period:

Characteristics of the Period of Despotism

  • Suspension of the Constitution and the Constitutional Monarchy: Although the Constitutional Monarchy was declared in 1876, Abdulhamid II quickly suspended the constitution and the constitutional monarchy. A constitution was prepared in 1878, but it was never implemented. Abdulhamid II effectively abolished the constitutional order in the Ottoman Empire between 1878 and 1908.
  • Repressive Intelligence and Espionage: During the reign of Abdulhamid, the state had a tight intelligence network. Espionage activities and censorship practices were intense. Citizens, especially dissidents, were under tight surveillance and freedom of expression was restricted.
  • Censorship and Press Repression: During the reign of Abdulhamid II, freedom of the press was greatly restricted. Newspapers and magazines were censored by the government, opposition publications were blocked, and freedom of the press was greatly restricted.
  • Centralization and Administrative Control: During the Autocracy Period, Abdulhamid II adopted a centralized administrative model in the Ottoman Empire. This reduced local autonomy and ensured that all important decisions were made by the central government. During this period, Abdulhamid II governed the state from the Yıldız Palace.
  • Pan-Islamism and Pan-Ottomanism: Abdulhamid II defined himself as the leader of the Islamic world and used the title of “Caliph.” He also tried to unite all ethnic groups and communities in the Ottoman Empire under a single “Ottoman” identity.
  • German Relations: Abdulhamid II developed close relations with Germany and attempted to modernize the Ottoman Empire with German support. During this period, German officers trained the Ottoman army and weapons and technology were imported from Germany.
  • The Secret Service (Journal/Intelligence) was established and jurists (=agents) were trained for this purpose. This is the most important indication that Abdulhamid II had a suspicious personality and wanted to strengthen his authority.
  • The Ottoman Empire declared bankruptcy after it was unable to pay its debts with the Muharram Decree issued in 1881. Following this development, the European creditor states established the Düyûn-u Umûmîye İdaresi (General Debts Administration) and seized the Ottoman Empire’s important sources of income.

The General Debt Administration of the Ottoman Empire;

  • Tax (Eastern Rumelia)
  • Coal
  • Fish
  • Cabotage
  • Reji (alcohol, tobacco)
  • Forest
  • Railway
  • Tuzla revenues were confiscated.

During the Period of Autocracy, the Ottoman Empire lost its economic independence with the establishment of the Public Debt Administration.

  • In 1883, the School of Fine Arts was opened by Osman Hamdi Bey and thus students began to be trained in the field of fine arts. In addition,
  • The School of Commerce, the School of Law and the School of Civil Engineering were also opened.
  • For the first time, various educational institutions were opened for the disabled.
  • During the reign of Abdülaziz, the Mecelle, prepared by a commission under the chairmanship of Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, was put into practice during this period.
  • The “Homeland Funds” established during the reign of Abdulaziz to provide loans to farmers were transformed into the Ziraat Bank in 1888.
  • In 1890, Armenians, known as the Loyal Nation, rebelled for the first time in Erzurum, and the Hamidiye Regiments were established to suppress the rebellion.
  • In 1895, with the decree of Abdulhamid II, Darü’l-aceze was established in Okmeydanı for the homeless, elderly, disabled and needy.
  • Şişli Eftal Hospital was established in 1899 by the order of Abdulhamid II.
  • The Berlin-Baghdad Railway was awarded to a German company.
  • The first tram lines were established.
  • Beşiktaş, Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe sports clubs were established.

The reign of Abdulhamid II coincided with the decline of the Ottoman Empire, and the authoritarian rule of this period contributed to the weakening of the empire and internal conflicts. In 1908, with the Second Constitutional Monarchy movement, constitutional order was restored and Abdulhamid II was dethroned.

  • According to the famous historian İlber Ortaylı, “The last ruler of the world, the last universal emperor is II. Abdulhamid Khan.”
  • The famous German statesman Otto von Bismarck said, “If there is 100 grams of intelligence in the world, 90 grams of it belongs to Abdulhamid Khan, 5 grams to me, and the remaining 5 grams to other world politicians.”
The Period of Despotism Sultan - Abdulhamid II

Test in the Period of Despotism

  1. Which of the following is not one of the developments of the Autocracy Period ?
    A) The opening of the Ziraat Bank
    B) The publication of the Provincial Regulation
    C) The opening of the School of Fine Arts
    D) The establishment of the Public Debt
    E) The implementation of the Mecelle
  2. During the reign of Abdulhamid II, the practice of seizing the Ottoman Empire’s tobacco, spirits, stamps, taxes, salt, mines and forest revenues, headed by representatives of creditor European states, was realized with which of the following?
    A) By the abolition of capitulations
    B) By the declaration of the Constitution
    C) By the decisions of the Dockyard Conference
    D) By the establishment of the Public Debt
    E) By the signing of the London Straits Convention
  3. The establishment of the Ottoman Public Debt
    Administration in the Ottoman Empire was a result of which of the following developments?
    A) The Ottoman Empire becoming unable to pay its foreign debts
    B) The Ottoman Empire losing territory for the first time
    C) The emergence of the Straits problem
    D) The abolition of the Janissary Corps
    E) The Ottoman Empire abandoning its policy of isolation and entering into alliances
  4. I. Establishment of the Hamidiye Regiments,
    II. Establishment of the Secret Service Organization,
    III. The first time the people participated in the administration
    Which of the above
    are among the developments of the Period of Abdulhamid II?
    A) Only IB) Only II C) I and II
    D) II and III E) I, II and III
  5. During the reign of which sultan was the Darü’l-aceze established in 1895 for the homeless, elderly, disabled and needy in the Ottoman Empire?
    A) Mahmud II B) Abdulaziz
    C) Abdulhamid II D) Murat V
    E) Abdulmecit

Autocracy Period Test Answers: 1-B 2-D 3-A 4-E 5-C

By Kashif

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