Hurrem Sultan History in Urdu | حریم سلطان
Hurrem Sultan History in Urdu | حریم سلطان السلام علیکم ، سلطنتِ عثمانیہ کے شروعاتی دور میں دو صدیوں تک مرد حکمران ہی غالب رہے، سلطان سلیمان دی گریٹ کے…
Filinta Mustafa Season 1 And 2 All Episodes With Urdu Subtitles By UrduBolo
Hi, Our todays article is about Filinta Mustafa Season 1 and 2 All Episodes With Urdu Subtitles By UrduBolo team. In this article we will share all information, cast details…
Haci Beyram Veli Season 1 All Episodes With English and Urdu Subtitles
The series, which attracts the attention of the audience with its plot and cast, is planned to meet with the audience every Friday evening, starting from February 11, 2022. There…
Turkish Drama Episode Facebook Se Kese Download Krein
السلام علیکم آپ سب کو دیریلش پی کے میں خوش آمدید کہتا ہوں، آج میں ایک بہت ہی مفید آرٹیکل لیکر آیا ہوں، وہ ہے فیس بک سے ویڈیوز ڈاؤن…
Watch Fateh al Andalus Drama All Episodes in Urdu | فتح الاندلس ڈرامہ
Everyone is searching for Fateh al Andalus Tariq Bin Zeyad drama serial in urdu. The increase in untrue publications against Islam in Europe since the beginning of the century not…
Who is Alaeddin Keykubad I in History / History Of Alaeddin Keykubad I
Aleaddin Keykubad I, who minted coins in his own name and is known as El-Melikü’l mansûr Alaüddevle and d-din Nâsıru emiri’l mumin’in, is the son of Gıyaseddin Keyhusrev I. Aleaddin…
Real History Of Kosem Sultan
Kosem Sultan is Haseki Sultan and Valide Sultan who played an active role in the Ottoman state administration. The wife of the Ottoman sultan Ahmed I, the sultan IV. She…
Destan New Historical Turkish Series / Legend-Destan Series Cast
The cast of ATV’s new series Destan has started to be announced. Kerem Arslanoğlu and Burak Tozkoparan will also be among the actors of the epic series. The project, in…
Who Was Sultan Jalal-u-din Khwarzam Shah
Hi Friends, an important character in history who was the last wall in the way of the Mongols was broken by the Muslims him selves But the Caliph of Baghdad…
Ottoman Empire Sultans in Urdu
فہرست عثمانی سلاطین اور عثمانی خواتین : سلطنتِ عثمانیہ ایک عظیم مسلم سلطنت تھی جو 1299ء تا 1922ء تک تقریباً 623 سال تک قائم رہی. یہ سب سے طویل عرصے…