The results of the Treaty of Gyumri are one of the important turning points in the history of the Republic of Turkey. This treaty was signed between the Democratic Republic of Armenia and the Ankara Government on December 3, 1920, and it meant the crowning of military successes on the Eastern Front with a diplomatic victory. The results of the Treaty of Gyumri had far-reaching effects for the Turkish and Armenian peoples. This article will examine in detail how the results of the Treaty of Gyumri were shaped in political, military, economic and social terms. The results of the Treaty of Gyumri not only changed the regional balances, but also affected Turkey’s position in the international arena.
The Gyumri Treaty Results determined Turkey’s eastern borders and was an important step in resolving the Armenian issue in the region. This treaty symbolized the end of the war and the beginning of a period of peace for both Turkey and Armenia. However, the effects of this treaty were not limited to border changes alone, but also deeply affected the demographic structure, trade routes and international relations in the region. In this context, the Gyumri Treaty Results played a critical role in the reshaping of the political geography of Anatolia.
The Gyumri Treaty Results are also considered as the first diplomatic success of Turkey in its struggle for independence. This helped the Ankara Government gain international recognition and legitimacy. This treaty signed with Armenia also set an important precedent for negotiations with other states. Therefore, the Gyumri Treaty Results should be evaluated not only as a treaty but also as evidence of Turkey’s presence on the international stage and its struggle for independence.
Another important dimension of the Gyumri Treaty Results is how they affected the ethnic and religious balances in the region. The Treaty greatly reduced the presence of the Armenian population in Anatolia and caused the Turkish and Kurdish population in the region to increase. These demographic changes deeply affected the social and cultural structure in the region in the long term. In this respect, the Gyumri Treaty Results were decisive in the reshaping of social dynamics in the region.
Finally, the Gyumri Agreement Results have also had significant effects on economic and commercial relations. With the signing of the agreement, trade routes in the region were reopened and economic recovery began. This situation had positive effects on both the Turkish and Armenian economies, but in the long term, a permanent peace and cooperation environment could not be established. In this context, the Gyumri Agreement Results once again revealed the importance of economic development and regional cooperation.
In this article, a detailed analysis of the Gyumri Treaty Results will be made and the long-term effects of this treaty on the region will be examined. This treaty, which will be discussed in terms of its political, military, economic and social dimensions, represents a significant turning point in history. The Gyumri Treaty Results left deep traces for both Turkey and the people of the region and shaped future developments.
Historical Background of the Treaty of Gyumri
The Treaty of Gyumri emerged as a product of the complex political and military situation that emerged after World War I. After the Ottoman Empire was defeated in the war and the Armistice of Mudros was signed, a new period of struggle began in Anatolia. During this period, Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk resisted the occupation of Anatolia and started the War of Independence.
On the Eastern Front, clashes took place between the Turkish army and the Armenian forces, and significant military successes were achieved on this front. The Turkish army under the command of Kazım Karabekir Pasha defeated the Armenian army towards the end of 1920 and advanced as far as Gyumri. These military victories paved the way for the signing of the Treaty of Gyumri.

Contents of the Treaty of Gyumri
The Treaty of Gyumri was signed in the city of Gyumri on December 3, 1920. The treaty consists of 17 articles and can be grouped under the following headings:
Border Adjustments
One of the most important articles of the treaty is the determination of the border between Turkey and Armenia. With this treaty, Turkey’s eastern borders were drawn and the Kars, Ardahan and Iğdır regions were left to Turkey. These border arrangements put an end to long-standing border disputes in the region.
War Reparations
Under the treaty, Armenia agreed to pay war reparations to Turkey. This reparations were intended to compensate for the damages inflicted on the Turkish people by Armenia during the war. However, given Armenia’s economic situation, this reparations proved difficult to collect.
Ethnic and Religious Minorities
The Gyumri Agreement also aimed to safeguard the rights of ethnic and religious minorities in the region. Both parties pledged to protect the rights of minorities in their territories and ensure their security. However, there were serious difficulties in implementing these articles.
Results of the Treaty of Gyumri
Political Implications
The results of the Treaty of Gyumri initiated a period of peace between Turkey and Armenia and ended the hostility between the two countries. This treaty determined Turkey’s eastern borders and ensured stability in the region. In addition, the treaty contributed to Turkey’s international recognition and legitimacy.
The treaty also paved the way for the occupation of Armenia by the Soviet Union. Armenia’s weakened military forces and internal unrest facilitated the Soviet Union’s intervention in the region. This led to Armenia losing its independence and becoming part of the Soviet Union.
Military Results
The Gyumri Treaty crowned the victories of the Turkish army on the Eastern Front and ensured that military successes were transformed into diplomatic gains. This increased the morale of the Turkish army and facilitated its focus on the struggle on the Western Front. In addition, the treaty ensured the disarmament of Armenian forces and the cessation of hostilities in the region.
Economic Results
With the signing of the Gyumri Treaty, the region began to revive economically. The determination of borders and the establishment of peace allowed the reopening of trade routes and the revival of economic activities. This had positive effects on the economies of both Turkey and Armenia. However, the occupation of Armenia by the Soviet Union had a negative impact on economic relations in the region in the long term.
Social Consequences
The results of the Gyumri Treaty also affected the demographic structure in the region. After the treaty, a large part of the Armenian population left Turkey and migrated to Armenia or other countries. This situation led to an increase in the Turkish and Kurdish population in the region. In addition, although the treaty was an important step in protecting the rights of ethnic and religious minorities in the region, serious difficulties were encountered in its implementation.
International Results
The results of the Gyumri Treaty also affected Turkey’s position in the international arena. This treaty is considered the first diplomatic victory of Turkey in its struggle for independence and contributed to the international recognition of the Ankara Government. In addition, the treaty set an important precedent for negotiations with other states.
Long-Term Effects of the Gyumri Agreement
Türkiye-Armenia Relations
The results of the Gyumri Treaty shaped the relations between Turkey and Armenia in the long term. Although the treaty contributed to the establishment of peace and the determination of the borders between the two countries, a permanent atmosphere of peace and cooperation could not be established in the relations. The occupation of Armenia by the Soviet Union and the Cold War period further complicated the relations between the two countries.
Regional Balance of Power
The results of the Treaty of Gyumri also affected the balance of power in the region. By securing its eastern borders, Turkey was able to focus more on the struggle on the Western Front. This played an important role in the success of the Turkish War of Independence. In addition, the occupation of Armenia by the Soviet Union increased Soviet influence in the region and changed the balance of power.
International Diplomacy
The results of the Gyumri Treaty also had significant effects in terms of international diplomacy. This diplomatic victory achieved by Turkey set an important example for negotiations to be carried out with other states. In the process leading to the Treaty of Lausanne, the successes achieved in the Gyumri Treaty increased Turkey’s negotiating power in the international arena.
Economic Development
The results of the Gyumri Treaty also had significant effects on the economic development of the region. The determination of borders and the establishment of peace allowed the opening of trade routes and the revival of economic activities. However, the occupation of Armenia by the Soviet Union prevented the permanent development of economic relations in the region.
Social Changes
The results of the Treaty of Gyumri also deeply affected the social structure in the region. The migration of the Armenian population from Anatolia changed the demographic structure in the region and led to an increase in the Turkish and Kurdish population. This situation caused the reshaping of the social and cultural dynamics in the region in the long term.
The Gyumri Treaty has had far-reaching effects for Turkey and Armenia. This treaty has deeply affected the region in political, military, economic and social terms and has had long-term consequences. The Gyumri Treaty has determined Turkey’s eastern borders, established peace with Armenia and changed the balance of power in the region. In addition, the treaty has contributed to Turkey’s international recognition and legitimacy, and has affected the processes of economic development and social change.
The results of the Treaty of Gyumri also changed the ethnic and religious balances in the region and caused the social and cultural dynamics to be reshaped in the long term. This treaty led to the migration of the Armenian population from Anatolia and increased the Turkish and Kurdish population in the region. In addition, the treaty contributed to the opening of trade routes and economic revival in the region. However, the occupation of Armenia by the Soviet Union could not create a permanent peace and cooperation environment in the long term.
The Gyumri Treaty Results are also considered as the first diplomatic success of Turkey in its struggle for independence. This helped the Ankara Government gain international recognition and legitimacy. This treaty signed with Armenia also set an important precedent for negotiations with other states. Therefore, the Gyumri Treaty Results should be evaluated not only as a treaty but also as evidence of Turkey’s presence on the international stage and its struggle for independence.
As a result, the Gyumri Treaty Results deeply affected the political, military, economic and social dynamics in the region and created long-term effects. This treaty determined Turkey’s eastern borders, ensured peace in the region and contributed to Turkey’s recognition in the international arena. In addition, the treaty affected the processes of economic development and social change and changed the demographic structure in the region. As an important turning point in history, the Gyumri Treaty Results gave direction to the future developments of the region.