The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 by Osman Bey and ruled over three continents for nearly six centuries. The long-lasting success of the Ottoman Empire, together with the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, was due to the fact that the legal system was established on solid foundations. Establishing justice was of great importance from the early years of the Ottoman state, and the institution of judgeship was established in line with this. Judges served as the cornerstones of the Ottoman justice system and played a critical role in ensuring justice in all segments of society.
The first judge of the Ottoman Empire played an important role in establishing justice and law during the establishment of the state. Dursun Fakih, known as the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, laid the foundations of the Ottoman legal system and made his name known in history with this duty. In this article, the life, duties and contributions of Dursun Fakih, the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, to the Ottoman justice system will be discussed in detail. The life and works of Dursun Fakih, the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, are of great importance in shaping the understanding of law and justice in the Ottoman Empire. Dursun Fakih’s role as the first judge of the Ottoman Empire ensured that justice and law were established on solid foundations during the establishment of the Ottoman state and thus became an important factor in the longevity of the state.
The Foundation Period and Legal System of the Ottoman Empire
Establishment of the Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire was founded in the late 13th century as a small principality in western Anatolia. As the founder of this principality, Osman Bey laid the foundations of the state that would grow from a small settlement into a vast empire. The founding period of the Ottoman Empire was full of many difficulties and struggles in the transition from a principality to an empire. During this period, the formation of the institutional structure of the state and the establishment of its administrative mechanisms were of great importance. The establishment of justice played a critical role in ensuring the legitimacy of the state and the trust of the people in the state.
Establishment of the Institution of Judgeship
The Ottoman Empire’s justice system was based on the principles of Islamic law, sharia. Judges had an important place as the implementers of this system. Judges served not only as lawyers but also as administrators, muftis and educators. The institution of judgeship was established in the early years of the Ottoman Empire and gradually acquired an institutional structure. Dursun Fakih, the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, took his place in history as the first representative of this institution.
The First Judge of the Ottoman Empire: The Life and Duties of Dursun Fakih
The Life of Dursun Fakih
Although there is no definite information about Dursun Fakih’s date and place of birth, it is known that he was a cleric and lawyer in Osman Bey’s close circle. Dursun Fakih played an important role in the establishment of the state as Osman Bey’s advisor and teacher. Dursun Fakih, who completed his education in the leading madrasahs of the period, had a deep knowledge of Islamic law.
Their duties
Dursun Fakih, who served as the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, advised Osman Bey not only on legal matters but also on administrative and religious matters. His duties included:
- Establishment of Justice: Dursun Fakih played a key role in establishing justice in Ottoman lands. He made decisions in accordance with the principles of sharia in resolving legal disputes.
- Administrative Duties: In the early years of the Ottoman Empire, judges undertook not only judicial duties but also administrative duties. Dursun Fakih took an active role in the execution of various administrative affairs in this context.
- Education and Religious Services: Dursun Fakih also provided religious education as a mufti and spread the teachings of Islam. He carried out educational activities in madrasahs and informed the public on religious issues.

Foundations of the Ottoman Legal System
Sharia and Customary Law
The legal system of the Ottoman Empire was a combination of sharia (Islamic law) and customary law. Sharia included legal rules based on Islamic sources such as the Quran and Hadith, while customary law was shaped by the sultan’s orders and customs. Judges played an important role in the implementation of these two legal systems.
Contributions of Dursun Fakih
Dursun Fakih, as the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, made a great contribution to the provision of justice based on the principles of sharia. The legal decisions he made later formed the cornerstones of the Ottoman legal system. In addition, his understanding and practices of justice were also influential in the formation of the legal and administrative structure of the Ottoman Empire.
Institutionalization of the Ottoman Justice System
Development of the Institution of Judgeship
First Judge Appointments
With the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, the institution of judgeship also gained an institutional structure. The first judge appointments were made during the foundation period of the Ottoman State and these appointments ensured the establishment of justice in every region of the state. Judges played an important role in the execution of legal and administrative affairs by serving in certain regions.
Duties and Powers of Judges
Judges had extensive authority in the Ottoman legal system. Their duties and powers included:
- Making Legal Decisions: Judges were responsible for resolving legal disputes according to the principles of sharia and customary law. They would hear cases, listen to witnesses, and make fair decisions.
- Administrative Duties: Judges also undertook administrative duties. They were responsible for collecting taxes, maintaining public order, and carrying out various administrative tasks.
- Education and Religious Services: Judges were also responsible for providing religious education and informing the public about religious matters. They carried out educational activities in madrasahs and issued fatwas as muftis.
Judges Who Followed Dursun Fakih’s Footsteps
Early Period Judges
The first period judges who followed in the footsteps of Dursun Fakih, the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, continued his understanding of justice and his practices. These judges undertook important duties during the expansion of the Ottoman Empire and the strengthening of its institutional structure.
Institutionalization of the Institution of Judgeship
Over time, the institution of judgeship gained a more institutional structure and judges began to serve in every region of the Ottoman Empire. Judges were responsible for providing justice in certain regions and served as representatives of the central authority.
The Role of Judges in the Ottoman Legal System
Resolution of Legal Disputes
Decisions According to Sharia Principles
Ottoman judges made decisions in accordance with the principles of sharia in resolving legal disputes. Sharia is a legal system based on Islamic sources such as the Quran and Hadith. Judges would hear cases, listen to witnesses and make fair decisions according to these principles.
Customary Law and Sultan’s Decrees
Judges could also make decisions based on customary law principles. Customary law was shaped by the sultan’s decrees and traditions. Judges would resolve legal disputes based on these decrees and traditions and play an important role in ensuring justice.
Ensuring Social Order
Public Order and Security
Judges also took part in ensuring public order and security in every region of the Ottoman Empire. They played an important role in collecting taxes, maintaining public order and carrying out various administrative tasks.
Social Services and Education
Judges also played an active role in social services and education. They carried out educational activities in madrasahs and informed the public on religious matters as muftis. Judges played a critical role in establishing justice and law in all segments of society.
Reforms in the Ottoman Justice System
The Tanzimat Period and Changes in the Legal System
In the mid-19th century, the Ottoman Empire entered a series of reforms known as the Tanzimat Period. During this period, significant changes were made to the legal system and western-style legal regulations were introduced. Judges had to adapt to these new regulations and play a role in the implementation of the new legal system.
Modernization of the Institution of Judgeship
With the reforms made in the Tanzimat Period, the institution of judgeship also entered a modernization process. In this process, the duties and authorities of judges were reorganized and given a more institutional structure. Judges were now forced to make decisions not only according to the principles of sharia but also according to modern legal regulations.
The Legacy of Dursun Fakih and His Place in the Ottoman Justice System
The Legacy of Dursun Fakih
Dursun Fakih, the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, laid the foundations of the justice and legal system of the Ottoman Empire. His understanding of justice and legal practices played an important role in the long-term success of the Ottoman State. Dursun Fakih’s legacy contributed greatly to the formation of the Ottoman justice system and institutional structure.
Dursun Fakih’s Place in the Ottoman Justice System
As the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, Dursun Fakih has a special place in the Ottoman justice system. His duties and understanding of justice set an example for judges who served in later periods. Dursun Fakih’s legal decisions and understanding of justice formed the cornerstones of the Ottoman legal system and were effective in the institutionalization of this system.
Establishing justice and law was of great importance in the establishment of the Ottoman Empire. Dursun Fakih, who served as the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, was one of the most important actors in this process. Dursun Fakih played a key role in ensuring justice in Ottoman lands and resolved legal disputes according to the principles of sharia. His duties and understanding of justice were important factors in the formation of the institutional structure of the Ottoman State and its longevity.
The legacy of Dursun Fakih, the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, formed the cornerstones of the Ottoman justice system and was effective in the institutionalization of this system. Dursun Fakih’s role as the first judge of the Ottoman Empire ensured that justice and law were established on solid foundations during the establishment process of the Ottoman Empire and thus played a major role in the longevity of the state. The life and work of Dursun Fakih, the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, are of great importance in shaping the understanding of law and justice in the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, the historical importance and legacy of Dursun Fakih, the first judge of the Ottoman Empire, should be considered one of his critical roles in the history of the Ottoman Empire.