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The Impact of Geographical Discoveries on the Ottoman Empire

The impact of geographical discoveries on the Ottoman Empire was an important period that began with European sailors discovering new routes and continents in the 15th and 16th centuries. This period left a deep impact on world history. It had important consequences, especially on a great power like the Ottoman Empire. In this content, we will examine the impact of geographical discoveries on the Ottoman Empire in detail.

The Impact of Geographical Discoveries on the Ottoman Empire , Background and Reasons

The impact of geographical discoveries on the Ottoman Empire was mainly due to factors such as the discovery of trade routes, the search for new trade routes, the search for easier transportation to Asia and India, the accurate drawing of the world map, and the desire of Europe to compete with monopolistic powers in trade.

The Ottoman View of Geographical Discoveries and Their Effects on Trade

The Ottoman Empire was a major power in the Mediterranean and the Middle East at the beginning of geographical discoveries. However, with the discoveries, the change of trade routes and the discovery of new routes by Europeans reduced the volume and control of the Ottomans’ trade. The Ottomans had difficulty competing with Portuguese and Spanish ships in particular and lost their share in Mediterranean trade.

The Ottoman’s First Contact with the New World and Maritime Trade

The Ottoman Empire first came into contact with the new continent with the discovery of the American continent in the 16th century. However, the Ottomans did not play an active role in the new trade routes due to their lack of naval power. However, the Ottomans organized some naval expeditions to the American continent and engaged in piracy activities.

Ottoman Atlantic Trade and Economic Impacts

The Ottoman Empire tried to compete with European powers in the Atlantic trade. However, the Ottomans lost their advantage in overseas trade and were weakened economically. It is known that the precious metals that Europe brought from America had a negative impact on the Ottoman economy.

The decrease in the Ottoman Empire’s customs revenues caused the economy to weaken and especially the Turkish khanates on the Silk Road to come under Russian control. The gold and silver brought from the new regions discovered by Europe caused the Ottoman currency, the akçe, to lose value and lead to inflation.

This situation caused the Ottoman Empire to struggle with economic difficulties and to gradually weaken. Despite the increase in the level of welfare in Europe, the Ottoman Empire entered a period of decline and struggled with economic difficulties and internal problems. The effects of the Geographical Discoveries on the Ottoman Empire constituted an important turning point in historical and strategic terms.

The Impact of Geographical Discoveries on the Ottoman Empire – Social and Cultural Impacts on Its Lands

The effects of geographical discoveries on Ottoman lands were not only economic. The discovery of the new world and new continents caused social and cultural changes in Ottoman society. In particular, new plants, animals and foods brought to Europe from America affected Ottoman cuisine and agriculture. In addition, the efforts of European missionaries to spread Christianity in new continents led to religious and cultural interactions in Ottoman society. Another effect of geographical discoveries on the Ottomans was that Christianity was allowed to spread in the regions discovered. However, the understanding that the world was round shook the teachings of the Catholic Church and led to the questioning of faith in the church and clergy.

The Impact of Geographical Discoveries on the Ottoman Empire

The Weakening of the Ottoman Empire’s Naval Power and Its Consequences

One of the most important results of geographical discoveries was the weakening of the Ottoman Empire’s naval power. The developments in maritime technology of the European powers and the discovery of new trade routes left the Ottoman navy behind. This situation caused the Ottoman Empire to weaken economically by reducing its role in maritime trade. The Ottoman Empire was negatively affected by the results of geographical discoveries. The change of direction of the Silk and Spice Roads led to the weakening of the Ottoman economy, the decrease of customs revenues, and the devaluation of the silver coin brought from the new regions discovered by Europe.

Geographical discoveries were a significant turning point in world history and had a profound impact on the Ottoman Empire. The discovery of new continents, changes in trade routes, economic difficulties and socio-cultural changes were significant turning points in the history of the Ottoman Empire. This process contributed to the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the formation of the modern world.

Geographical Discoveries, together with the impact of the Ottoman Empire, constituted an important turning point in human history. The discovery of new continents, cultural exchange, and the spread of agricultural products throughout the world contributed to global unification and cultural diversity. However, this process also brought with it problems such as colonialism and economic inequality.

By Kashif

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