The best way to understand and interpret our present and future is to know our past. For this reason, history movies are always loved and always on the agenda. In this article, we have listed the best Turkish history movies that tell you about important events in Turkish history. We wish you pleasant reading.
Fetih 1453 :
Fetih 1453, the construction process of which started in 2009 and ended in 2012, was produced with the efforts of many important people. It conveys to the audience the plans and period of Fatih Sultan Mehmet, who had a very important place in the Ottoman Empire and turned the Ottoman Empire into an empire, to conquer Istanbul, which started in 1451. Faruk Aksoy is the director of the movie. Fetih 1453’s IMDb score is 6.7.
Harem Soiree (1999)
Harem Suare takes the audience to the Ottoman Empire in 1908. There is a woman who wants to be the favorite concubine of Abdülhamid, the sultan of the period: Safiye. However, Safiye’s aim is not love, but to become a partner in power. On the one hand, scenes full of intrigue await the audience in the film, which tells about the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Harem Suare is directed by Ferzan Ozpetek and has an IMDb score of 6.2.

Turkish Passport (2011)
The Turkish Passport, which is on our list, is a historical film and documentary. While the film was being shot, the memories of different people were included and it was fictionalized in the light of various official documents. The Turkish Passport describes the rescue of the Jews who were excluded and sent to camps all over the world during the World War II, thanks to Turkish diplomats. The director of the movie is Burak Cem Arlıel and its IMDb score is 7.9.
Children of Çanakkale (2012)
Children of Çanakkale takes the audience to the period when the First World War broke out and allows them to look at each Çanakkale Front from a different perspective. Katherine, a British citizen, is married to Kasım Bey, an important politician. His child, named James, is studying in England, and his other child, Osman, is interested in mines. Katherine begins to dream frequently, and in her dreams, her two sons are fighting on opposite fronts. Then, against all obstacles, he sets out for the Çanakkale Front. The children of Çanakkale are directed by Sinan Çetin.
Ayla (2017)
A breathtaking film that makes people say that there is no room for blood ties for father-daughter love. Süleyman Sergeant, who served in the Korean War, finds a 5-year-old little girl on the battlefield one day and takes her with him. He lives together with other soldiers, brings color to the lives of soldiers. However, after 15 months, the Turkish soldiers’ duty ends and they have to return to Turkey. How will Süleyman and Ayla break up? Ayla is directed by Can Ulkay and her IMDb score is 8.5.

Çanakkale End of the Road (2013)
The year is 1915. The male population in the country is rapidly decreasing and the Dardanelles War is quite brutal. Hasan and Muhsin brothers also go to the Çanakkale front to fight. Both brothers, who risk sacrificing their lives for their country, have only one thing in mind: the other brother. Muhsin, a successful sniper, is at the forefront of the war and wants only one thing from his commander; your brother fighting in the back. Çanakkale Yol Sonu is directed by Kemal Uzun, Serdar Akar and Ahmet Karaman and has an IMDb score of 7.2.
Cicero (2019)
A man who changed the course of World War I: İlyas Bazna. İlyas Bazna is a boy who lost his brother in the war when he was little. He grows up under very difficult conditions and trains himself, becomes an agent. Working at the British Embassy, İlyas Bazna sells information to the German State and his code name is now Cicero. Cicero was a movie that made a lot of noise when it was released. The director of the movie is Serdar Akar and its IMDb score is 6.6.
Sultan’s Secret (2010)
There is someone who knows the value of the oil and precious lands in Mosul and Kirkuk and is investigated by American agents: Abdulhamid 2. The audience of Sultan’s Secret tells how the secret that emerged years ago has survived to the present day, how it was discovered and what was done for this purpose. At the same time, one of the most striking details of the film is the presence of 1200-year-old pristine corridors in the scenes. Sultan’s Secret is managed by Hakan Şahin and has an IMDb score of 4.6.

The Turks Are Coming: Sword of Justice (2020)
With this film, we go to the era of Fatih Sultan Mehmet, one of the most important sultans of the Ottoman Empire and the one who conquered Istanbul. We watch how the Balkans were persecuted, the entry of Fatih Sultan Mehmet and the Raiders into the Balkans, and his struggle with King Lazar, in the movie that tells about Mehmet the Conqueror going to Rome, his first target after Istanbul. The Turks Are Coming: Sword of Justice was directed by Kamil Aydın and has an IMDb score of 4.1.
Yunus Emre: The Voice of Love (2014)
The film, which tells how Yunus Emre, one of the pioneers of humanism, searches for love, travels through Anatolia while searching for love, and realizes that he is in the love he is looking for, tells the audience how Yunus Emre became Yunus Emre. There are scenes where you will be filled with peace while watching the movie, and it is also adorned with Yunus Emre’s poems. Yunus Emre: The Voice of Love is directed by Kürşat Kızbaz and the IMDb score of the film is 5.7.