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The Ottoman Empire is one of the largest and longest-ruling empires in world history. Kubbealtı Viziers; There are many important statesmen and viziers who served in the administration of this great empire. One of the most notable of these viziers is the viziers called Kubbealtı. They played a central role in the administrative mechanism of the Ottoman Empire and made great contributions to the formation of the state’s domestic and foreign policy.

In this article, we will provide detailed answers to questions such as who the “ Kubbealtı Viziers ” were, what duties they undertook, and how they contributed to the Ottoman Empire. They went down in history not only as administrators but also as strategists and leaders. This comprehensive article will provide detailed information about the “Kubbealtı Viziers” and reveal their contributions and influences on Ottoman history. They played a critical role in shaping the administrative and military structure of the Ottoman Empire.

Who are the Kubbealtı Viziers?

1. Definition and Importance of Kubbealtı Viziers

The Kubbealtı Viziers were the highest-ranking statesmen who served as advisors to the Sultan at the Divan-ı Hümayun (Imperial Council) meetings in the Ottoman Empire. The Divan-ı Hümayun was the highest decision-making body of the Ottoman Empire, and the decisions made there determined the domestic and foreign policy of the state. The viziers were the viziers who played an active role in discussing important issues and making decisions in these meetings.

It is called by this name because the Divan-ı Hümayun meetings, which were usually held in the presence of the Sultan, were held in a place called Kubbealtı. Kubbealtı were the people who held the highest administrative and political offices of the state and generally consisted of the Grand Vizier (Grand Vizier) and other high-ranking viziers. These viziers played a critical role in the administration of the Ottoman Empire and undertook important duties in maintaining the stability and power of the state.

2. Duties and Responsibilities of Kubbealtı Viziers

The duties of the viziers were quite extensive. In the Divan-ı Hümayun meetings, important decisions were made regarding the internal and external policies of the state, and they also played an active role in the preparation and implementation of these decisions. The Kubbealtı Viziers took on important responsibilities in the administration of the Ottoman Empire and made great contributions to the shaping of the administrative structure of the state.

The main duties of the viziers included advising the Sultan in meetings, ensuring the internal and external security of the state, regulating financial policies, ensuring justice and implementing the law. They also played an important role in the command and control of the army during times of war. The Kubbealtı Viziers played a critical role in shaping and implementing the state’s policies in every field, thus preserving the stability and power of the Ottoman Empire.

3. Election and Appointment of Kubbealtı Viziers

The process of selecting and appointing viziers was carried out meticulously. The people to be appointed to these positions were generally selected from experienced and talented statesmen who had held high-level administrative and military positions in the state. The Sultan would usually appoint the Kubbealtı Viziers from among his own advisors and the people he trusted the most. Since the Kubbealtı Viziers held the highest offices of the state, great importance was given to the merit and talents of the people to be appointed to these positions.

In the appointment of viziers, the loyalty and reliability of the viziers were also important criteria. The Sultan was careful to appoint people who would serve him loyally in the administration of the state and who would prioritize the interests of the state above all else. With these characteristics, the Kubbealtı Viziers played an important role in the administration of the Ottoman Empire and preserved the stability and power of the state.

4. Contributions of the Kubbealtı Viziers to the Ottoman Empire

Their contributions to the Ottoman Empire as the Kubbealtı Viziers are quite significant. These viziers played a major role in shaping the administrative and military structure of the Ottoman Empire by undertaking critical duties in the administration of the state. They played an active role in determining and implementing the state’s domestic and foreign policies with the decisions they made in the Divan-ı Hümayun meetings.

One of the most important contributions of the Kubbealtı Viziers was to ensure the internal and external security of the state. These viziers ensured the security of the Ottoman State by taking the necessary measures to protect the state’s borders and ensure internal peace. They also played an important role in organizing financial policies and strengthening the state’s economic structure. The Kubbealtı Viziers implemented various reforms to organize the state’s financial structure and increase its sources of income.

Another important contribution of the Viziers of Kubbealtı is the provision of justice and the application of law. These viziers played an active role in the organization of the state’s justice system and the application of law. The Viziers of Kubbealtı gained the trust of the people by taking the necessary measures to ensure justice. They also played an important role in the command and control of the army during wartime, making great contributions to the success of the Ottoman army.

5. Important Kubbealtı Viziers and Their Influence

The Ottoman Empire has had many important Kubbealtı Viziers throughout history. Some of the most notable of these viziers are:

Sokollu Mehmet Pasha: 

Sokollu Mehmet Pasha is one of the most famous Kubbealtı Viziers of the Ottoman Empire. He served as a vizier during the reigns of Suleiman the Magnificent, Selim II and Murad III, and played an important role in the administration of the Ottoman Empire. Sokollu Mehmet Pasha made great contributions to the organization of the administrative structure of the state and the strengthening of the Ottoman army. He also played an important role in the conquest of Cyprus during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent and the Cyprus campaign during the reign of Selim II.

Köprülü Mehmed Pasha: 

Köprülü Mehmed Pasha was a vizier during one of the difficult periods of the Ottoman Empire and played a major role in the state’s recovery. Köprülü Mehmed Pasha, who was a vizier during the reign of Mehmed IV, implemented various reforms to organize the administrative structure of the state and strengthen the Ottoman army. Köprülü Mehmed Pasha made significant contributions to the strengthening of the Ottoman Empire and ensuring its stability.

Kara Mustafa Pasha: 

Kara Mustafa Pasha was one of the important Kubbealtı Viziers of the Ottoman Empire. Kara Mustafa Pasha, who was a vizier during the reign of Mehmed IV, played an important role in the successful campaigns of the Ottoman army and in the organization of the administrative structure of the state. Kara Mustafa Pasha served as the commander-in-chief of the Ottoman army, especially in the Second Siege of Vienna, and played an important role in this campaign.

6. The Legacy and Influence of the Kubbealtı Viziers

The legacy of the Viziers of Kubbealtı is their contributions and achievements to the history of the Ottoman Empire. These viziers played an important role in shaping the administrative and military structure of the state, ensuring that the Ottoman Empire had a strong foundation. The reforms carried out and the decisions taken by the Viziers of Kubbealtı contributed to the long-term stability and power of the Ottoman Empire.

The effects of the viziers were not limited to the history of the Ottoman Empire, but also made significant contributions to world history. These viziers played an important role in organizing the administrative structure of the Ottoman Empire and strengthening the state, leaving their mark on world history. Kubbealtı played a critical role in the administration of the Ottoman Empire and made significant contributions to maintaining the stability and power of the state.

They undertook critical duties in the administration of the Ottoman Empire and played a major role in shaping the administrative and military structure of the state. The “Kubbealtı Viziers” played an active role in determining and implementing the Ottoman Empire’s domestic and foreign policies, thus preserving the stability and power of the state. The Kubbealtı Viziers ensured the security of the Ottoman Empire, regulated financial policies, and played an important role in ensuring justice and implementing law. These viziers made significant contributions to the history of the Ottoman Empire and ensured that the state had a strong foundation.

The legacy of the viziers in question is their contributions and achievements to the history of the Ottoman Empire. These viziers played a critical role in the administration of the Ottoman Empire and made significant contributions to maintaining the stability and power of the state. The “Kubbealtı Viziers” left their mark on the history of the Ottoman Empire and ensured that the state had a strong foundation. The legacy of the viziers is their contributions and achievements to the history of the Ottoman Empire. These viziers played a critical role in the administration of the Ottoman Empire and made significant contributions to maintaining the stability and power of the state.

By Kashif

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