Osman Bey, who founded the Ottoman Principality in Söğüt and Domaniç in 1299, married Malhun Hatun in 1280. Malhun Hatun is the first wife of Osman Gazi, the founder of the Ottoman Principality. Orhan Gazi, the second ruler of the Ottoman Empire, was born from this marriage. Mal Hatun’s father, who was mistaken for Rabi’a Bala Hatun, the daughter of Sheikh Edebali, is the Anatolian Seljuk Vizier Ömer Abdülaziz Bey. His name is shown in the foundation as Malhun binti Ömer Bey. There is a tomb built in his name, which is more like a home environment. It is certain that Malhun Hatun was Turkish, since the tradition of the Ottoman sultans to make wives by converting foreign women to Islam in the palace did not exist at that time.
How Many Children Does Malhun Hatun Have:
Osman Gazi got married to Rabia Bala Hatun and Malhun Hatun, and they had sons named Orhan Bey, Alaüddin Ali Paşa, Hamid Bey, Savcı Bey, Pazarlu Bey, Melik (Arslan Murad) Bey and Çoban Bey, and a daughter named Fatma Hatun.
However, it is not possible to obtain information about which wife Osman Gazi was born from, and the identity of Ömer Bey, who is obviously a very important historical personality due to his being the descendant of Ertuğrul Gazi, could not be determined.
It is understood that there are many grandchildren from these children, these grandchildren of Osman Bey were born in the xv. the second half of the century and even the xvi. It is certain that they preserved their existence until the first half of the century. Although it is possible to think that the sons from this branch of the family were also subjected to the practice of “fraternal murder” after this date, it is not possible to try to explain the fact that the foundations, which can be understood from the records of the foundations regarding the children, are indifferent. Even if it is thought that fratricide was already practiced, it is necessary to say that only sons born from sons belonging to the dynasty could not continue their lives. It should be said that the Ottomans started to implement the fratricide practice from the time of Murad Hüdâvendigar after Orhan Gazi’s death, compared to the policy that Sultan Murad followed against the world of principalities.
Osman Bey’s children in history:
Son :
- Orhan Bey (1281 – 1362)
- Shepherd Bey (1283 – 1337)
- Pazarlı Bey (1285 – 1311)
- Alaeddin Pasha (1280 [30] – 1331)
- Hamid Bey (1288 – 1329)
- Melik Bey (1290 – 1366)
Daughters :
- Fatma Hatun

Who is Osman Bey’s Wife Malhun Hatun?
There is no information about his life and identity. In the first Ottoman sources , she is referred to as Mal Hatun / Malhun Hatun, and she is often referred to as Osman Bey’s wife, Sheikh Edebali’s daughter and Orhan’s mother. Although it is possible that Orhan Bey was his mother, it is certain that he had nothing to do with Sheikh Edebali. Mal Hatun bint Ömer Bey is among the witnesses of the Mekece foundation charter dated 8-18 March 1324, one of the first documents of Ottoman history that has survived to the present day. form is found. This clearly shows that he has a bond with Osman Bey. Because while the witnesses were listed here, the names of Osman Bey’s sons (Shepherd, Melik, Hamid, Pazarlı) and his daughter (Fatma) were mentioned first, and then the names of Ömer Bey’s daughter Mal Hatun, Melik’s daughter Melek and Akbaşlı’s daughter Efendire.
The possibility of these last three ladies being the wives of Osman Bey and Orhan Bey is emphasized. The fact that Mal Hatun’s name is recorded in the first place suggests that she is the wife who gave birth to Osman Bey and was alive at that time. Based on this record and the rumors echoing from the Ottoman historical tradition, it is generally accepted that she is Orhan Bey’s mother. However, this information is not certain. Some guesses have also been made about the identity of Ömer Bey, who is mentioned in the document as Mal Hatun’s father.
According to these estimates, Ömer Bey is Umur/Ömer Bey, the founder of the Umurlu Principality, which was closely related to Osman Bey. However, the fact that the spellings of the names Umur and Ömer (امور / عمر) are different from each other suggests that he may be one of the prominent administrative-military officials affiliated to Osman Bey or one of the beys acting with him within the tribal structure. In other words, Mal Hatun is not a concubine, but the daughter of an important person. Apart from this, other information about Mal Hatun is based on the rumors of the first Ottoman sources, which have deep doubts as to whether they are true or not.
Who is Malhun Hatun’s Father?
While the Ottoman chronicles keep repeating the information that Sheikh Ede-Bali was married to Malhun Hatun or Rabia Bala Hatun, since it was understood from Şerefüddin Mukbil Pasha’s charter that Malhun Hatun’s father’s name was Ömer Bey, Orhan Gazi’s mother’s name was Şeyh Ede-Bali. It was accepted as one of the most important points put forward by the modern historian.
Mal Hatun’s father is mentioned as the Anatolian Seljuk Vizier Ömer Abdülaziz Bey . His name is stated in his foundation as Malhun binti Ömer Bey.

How Did Osman Bey Married With Malhun Hatun? How Did They Meet?
Neşri, one of the first Ottoman historians who included various narrations, does not specify whose daughter she was in the part where he tells a story about Mal Hatun that is not found in any source.
In his first narration, Osman Bey, who was still at a young age, saw Mal Hatun in the village of İtburnu (today Uludere village on the road between Söğüt and Söğütönü) where he stayed on his way to Eskihisar (Eskişehir), and fell in love with her, then told his father Ertuğrul about the situation. He conveys that he demanded that he want the girl, but that Mal Hatun did not accept this offer due to the unequal position between them, and the real reason was understood later, because Mal Hatun was told that Osman Bey’s purpose was to entertain him. He also adds that Osman Bey abducted Mal Hatun and hid him with one of his relatives when he realized that he had opened up the situation to the Bey of Eskihisar, where he was a guest, during an entertainment assembly, and that the master had a heart for the girl ( Cihannümâ )., s. 38). In the tahrir records of the Itburnu village mentioned in this story, it is shown as a village with the status of sharecropper (BA, TD ) no. 438, p. 225). This means that – if there is no change in the settlement of the village afterwards – the local identities of the villagers go back to pre-Ottoman times.
Some researchers emphasize the possibility that Osman Bey’s wife, who is mentioned in the story, is another woman who is confused with Mal Hatun and has a lower status (Peirce, pp. 41-42). Apart from all these mixed rumors, there is no information about Mal Hatun. In the Ottoman official records of the second half of the century, it was accepted that the daughter of Sheikh Edebali was Orhan Bey’s mother. What is clear is that Mal Hatun is not the daughter of Sheikh Edebali. There is no certainty as to whether she is Orhan Bey’s mother. Johannes Tralow’s German novel about the founding of the Ottoman Empire is named after him ( Malchatun, Berlin 1952). The tomb attributed to Mal Hatun is in Bilecik.
Orhan Gazi’s Mother “Malhun Hatun”
Orhan Gazi was born in 1281. His father was Osman Gazi and his mother was Mal Hatun , the daughter of Ömer Bey, one of the notables of the Kayı tribe. Orhan Gazi had a blond beard, was tall, and had blue eyes. He was a gentle, compassionate gentleman who loved the poor people, respected the ulama, was pious, just, knew his account and was never in a rush, and was endeared to the people. He often mingled with the people and was very fond of visiting them.
Why is Osman Bey Married With Malhun Hatun?
She is the wife of Osman Bey, the founder of the Ottoman State, and the mother of the second sultan, Orhan Gazi. There is no definite and clear information about why Osman Bey married Malhun Hatun for a different reason than the fact of love and friendship between each other. The father of Malhun Hatun, who was mistaken for Rabi’a Bala Hatun, the daughter of Sheikh Edebali, is the Anatolian Seljuk Vizier Ömer Abdülaziz Bey.
- Born : 13th century Anatolia
- Died : November 1326 Söğüt, Anatolia
- Spouse : Osman I
- Son : Orhan Gazi (disputed)
- Father : Ömer Bey (disputed)
- Father : Ömer Abdülaziz Bey (disputed)
- Religion : Islam

Extra History Of Mal / Malhun Hatun :
There is no information about his life and identity. In the first Ottoman sources, she is referred to as Mal Hatun / Malhun Hatun, and she is often referred to as Osman Bey’s wife, Sheikh Edebali’s daughter and Orhan’s mother. Although it is possible that Orhan Bey was his mother, it is certain that he had nothing to do with Sheikh Edebali. His name is encountered as Mal Hatun bint Ömer Bey among the witnesses of the Mekece foundation charter dated 8-18 March 1324, which is one of the first documents of Ottoman history to survive. This clearly shows that he has a bond with Osman Bey. Because while the witnesses were listed here, the names of Osman Bey’s sons (Shepherd, Melik, Hamid, Pazarlı) and his daughter (Fatma) were mentioned first, and then the names of Ömer Bey’s daughter Mal Hatun, Melik’s daughter Melek and Akbaşlı’s daughter Efendire. The possibility of these last three ladies being the wives of Osman Bey and Orhan Bey is emphasized.
The fact that Mal Hatun’s name is recorded in the first place suggests that she is the wife who gave birth to Osman Bey and was alive at that time. Based on this record and the rumors echoing from the Ottoman historical tradition, it is generally accepted that she is Orhan Bey’s mother. However, this information is not certain. Some guesses have also been made about the identity of Ömer Bey, who is mentioned in the document as Mal Hatun’s father. According to these estimates, Ömer Bey is Umur/Ömer Bey, the founder of the Umurlu Principality, which was closely related to Osman Bey. However, the spelling of the names Umur and Ömer ( Based on this record and the rumors echoing from the Ottoman historical tradition, it is generally accepted that she is Orhan Bey’s mother. Enjoy our informative article about Who is Malhun Hatun.
However, this information is not certain. Some guesses have also been made about the identity of Ömer Bey, who is mentioned in the document as Mal Hatun’s father. According to these estimates, Ömer Bey is Umur/Ömer Bey, the founder of the Umurlu Principality, which was closely related to Osman Bey. However, the spelling of the names Umur and Ömer ( Based on this record and the rumors echoing from the Ottoman historical tradition, it is generally accepted that she is Orhan Bey’s mother. However, this information is not certain. Some guesses have also been made about the identity of Ömer Bey, who is mentioned in the document as Mal Hatun’s father.
According to these estimates, Ömer Bey is Umur/Ömer Bey, the founder of the Umurlu Principality, which was closely related to Osman Bey. However, the spelling of the names Umur and Ömer (امور / عمر ) are different from each other, which suggests that he may be one of the prominent administrative-military officials affiliated to Osman Bey or one of the beys acting with him within the tribal structure. In other words, Mal Hatun is not a concubine, but the daughter of an important person. Apart from this, other information about Mal Hatun is based on the rumors of the first Ottoman sources, which have deep doubts as to whether they are true or not.
Detailed History Of Malhun Hatun:
Âşıkpaşazâde, one of the first Ottoman historians, portrays Mal/Malhun Hatun as the daughter of Sheikh Edebali and records that Sheikh Edebali, who interpreted Osman’s dream as the herald of the birth of a great state, gave him his daughter; He states that Orhan Bey is also his son. He also adds that Sheikh Edebali and Mal Hatun died within a month or two of each other, and Osman Bey, who would die three months after them, buried them both in Bilecik with his own hands. If this information is correct, the death date of Orhan’s mother corresponds to 1324. However, this rumor contradicts the Mekece foundation charter of the same date, because the inclusion of Mal Hatun’s name here clearly indicates that she died after Osman Bey.

However, there are historians who record the name of Sheikh Edebali’s daughter differently as Rabia and Bala Hatun.Kitâb-ı Tevârîh-i Âl-i Osman , vr. Bala Hatun in 29b, Mal Hatun in 39a). Oruç Bey persistently wrote the name of Orhan’s mother, who was the daughter of Sheikh Edebali, as Rabia Hatun, despite having seen Âşıkpaşazâde ‘s History ., s. 8-9, 13). Neşri, one of the first Ottoman historians who included various narrations, does not specify whose daughter she was in the part where he tells a story about Mal Hatun that is not found in any source. However, in the following bets, he repeats Âşıkpaşazâde’s information about Şeyh Edebali and Mal Hatun exactly. This shows that he conveyed the texts in the sources as they were, without reconciling the two narrations with each other.
Who is Malhun Hatun
In his first narration, Osman Bey, who was still at a young age, saw Mal Hatun in the village of İtburnu (today Uludere village on the road between Söğüt and Söğütönü) where he stayed on his way to Eskihisar (Eskişehir), and fell in love with her, then told his father Ertuğrul about the situation. He demanded that he want the girl, but Mal Hatun did not accept this offer due to the unequal position between them, and the real reason was understood later, because Mal relates that Hatun was told that Osman Bey’s purpose was to entertain himself. He also adds that Osman Bey abducted Mal Hatun and hid him with one of his relatives when he realized that he had opened the situation to the Bey of Eskihisar, where he was a guest, during an entertainment assembly, and that the master had a heart for the girl (Cihannuma , p. 38). In the tahrir records of the village of Itburnu mentioned in this story, it is shown as a village with the status of sharecropper ( BA, TD )., no. 438, p. 225). This means that – if there is no change in the settlement of the village afterwards – the local identities of the villagers go back to pre-Ottoman times. Some researchers emphasize the possibility that Osman Bey’s wife, who is mentioned in the story, is another woman who is confused with Mal Hatun and has a lower status (Peirce, pp. 41-42).
Apartments from all these mixed rumors, there is no information about Mal Hatun. XVI. In the Ottoman official records of the second half of the century, it was accepted that the daughter of Sheikh Edebali was Orhan Bey’s mother. What is clear is that Mal Hatun is not the daughter of Sheikh Edebali. There is no certainty as to whether she is Orhan Bey’s mother. Johannes Tralow’s German novel about the founding of the Ottoman Empire is named after him ( Malchatun, Berlin 1952). The tomb attributed to Mal Hatun is in Bilecik.
When Did Malhun Hatun Die?
Although the date of birth of Malhun Hatun, who was the mother of the Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi and one of the wives of Osman Gazi, is unknown, the date of death is stated as November 1326. He passed away in Söğüt, Bilecik.
Who Did Osman Love More Bala or Malhun?
Osman’s first love and the chief Hatun of the tribe will always be Bala Hatun. As the daughter of the spiritual leader Edebali, she backed Osman in his choice to wed Malhun for a second time since she appreciated the wisdom behind the sacrifice demanded of her.
Is Malhun Hatun Real?
Malhun Hatun, who will appear as Osman Bey’s wife in the series, also exists in real history. She takes place in our history as the mother of Orhan Gazi, the second Ottoman sultan, and one of Osman Bey’s wives, and that’s why she was included in the series.
As you might guess, he doesn’t have much proven knowledge in history. Nevertheless, it played a great role in taking very important steps for the Ottoman history. However, he clearly knows his existence in history.

What is Malhun Hatun’s Real Name?
The name of our actress who plays the role of Malhun Hatun is Yildiz Cagri Atiksoy.
Yldz Ar Atiksoy, a Turkish TV series actor, was born in Zmir on April 1, 1986. The artist completed his acting training at Müjdat Gezen Art Center after spending two years studying theatre at Izmir Aegean Art Center. Additionally, Plato Film provided him with training in “Cinema Technique and Acting.” With the role of Berrin Akarsu in the television series “So One Passing Time,” she rose to fame. She also infused life into the TV character Zehra in the Yedi Güzel Adam series. In the TV show Warrior, she portrayed the role of Asl Zkaynak. She now portrays Suna in the Champion television series that is seen on TRT 1.
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Source: Rumors islamancyclopedisi.org.tr Taken from the text of Mal Hatun. Their children are taken from Dergipark.org.tr.